How Sports has Improved my Life at All Ages



I am an allsport guy.

As a child, I had an affinity for the water. My parents taught me to swim, and I decided to dedicate myself to swimming for fun, competiton and health. Sports was an outlet and a way to have fun with friends, and it taught me hard work and discipline. As a young man, I continued to play basketball but lost touch with most sports. I settled into a sedentary lifestyle and suffered for that.

Today, as a 40-something, fitness isn't just for fun and health, it is required. I swim, run, play basketball and play golf. Each sport has a purpose.

Swimming helps me with my cardiovascular health. Golf helps me to relax and socialize with friends. Running helps me all around with weight management and cardiovascular wellness. Basketball is alot of fun to play with friends and helps me unwind.

As an adult, we often abandon sports in favor of other pursuits. We feel that we don't have the time and that other aspects of out lives will wither if we play sports. That's not true. We find time where our heart and passions lie. We can carve time out from entertainment and put our strength and passion into sports.

Sports benefitted me as a child, young man and a middle-aged man. I urge you to hit the gym and get back to sports you enjoyed in your youth. It makes a huge difference with healthy aging.
