So clean so fresh


Renovar significa. restaurar, rejuvenescer ou dar uma nova vida ao que já existe.
Pode ser aplicado a diversas áreas, como renovar um contrato, renovar um espaço ou renovar o ânimo e energia em relação a uma tarefa ou projeto.
No ramo do comércio a palavra renovar nos acompanha quase que obrigatoriamente, aqui no braza temos que nos renovar o tempo todo para não ficarmos iguais a tudo, sempre nos renovamos em busca de superar as dificuldades que vão se renovando a cada dia também.
No mercado do skate pós pandemia, os clientes não vem mais na loja como vinham antigamente , as pessoas fazem suas coisas tudo pelo celular atualmente, desde se relacionar e conhecer pessoas novas a comprar seus sapatos e suas próprias peças de skate, é tudo online hoje em dia.
Diante deste cenário atual nós nos reiventamos e falamos a oferecer o serviço
de Barbearia para nossos clientes e amigos para proporcionar uma sensação de vitalidade e novidade a algo que já existia. Cada vez que decidimos cortar os cabelos, não estamos apenas modificando nossa aparência externa, mas também abrindo caminho para uma renovação interna. O ato de cortar os cabelos vai além do estético, o cabelo muitas vezes é visto como uma extensão de nossa identidade, guardam memórias experiências e emoções, cortar-los é como desfazer um nó permitindo que a energia flua livremente.

Renovar significa. restaurar, rejuvenecer o dar nueva vida a lo que ya existe.
Se puede aplicar a diferentes ámbitos, como renovar un contrato, renovar un espacio o renovar ilusión y energía en relación a una tarea o proyecto.
En el sector empresarial la palabra renovar nos acompaña casi necesariamente, aquí en Braza tenemos que renovarnos todo el tiempo para no ser iguales a todo, siempre nos renovamos en busca de superar las dificultades que se renuevan cada día. también.
en dia.
Ante este escenario actual, nos reinventamos y comenzamos a ofrecer el servicio
de Barbershop para nuestros clientes y amigos para brindar una sensación de vitalidad y novedad a algo que ya existía. Cada vez que decidimos cortarnos el cabello, no sólo estamos transformando nuestra apariencia externa sino también abriendo camino a la renovación interna. El acto de cortarse el cabello va más allá de la estética, el cabello muchas veces es visto como una extensión de nuestra identidad, guarda recuerdos de vivencias y emociones, cortarlo es como deshacer un nudo permitiendo que la energía fluya libremente.

Renew means. restore, rejuvenate or give new life to what already exists.
It can be applied to different areas, such as renewing a contract, renovating a space or renewing enthusiasm and energy in relation to a task or project.
In the business sector, the word renew accompanies us almost necessarily, here in Braza we have to renew ourselves all the time so as not to be the same as everything else, we always renew ourselves in search of overcoming the difficulties that are renewed every day too.
In the post-pandemic skateboarding market, customers no longer come to the store like they used to, people do everything on their cell phones these days, from interacting and meeting new people to buying their shoes and their own skateboard parts, everything is online today in day.
Faced with this current scenario, we reinvented ourselves and started offering the service
of Barbershop for our customers and friends to provide a feeling of vitality and newness to something that already existed. Every time we decide to cut our hair, we are not only transforming our external appearance but also paving the way for internal renewal. The act of cutting your hair goes beyond aesthetics, hair is often seen as an extension of our identity, it holds memories of experiences and emotions, cutting it is like undoing a knot allowing energy to flow freely.









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LEO Power Up Day - January 15, 2024

Love the skateshop-barber concept guys 🔥🔥🔥

Sweet work on the haircuts and respect for keeping it real. Skateshop need people hanging around and I agree, online shopping is making this harder


The world is currently very difficult, and I have the impression that for us Brazilians things are 3 times more difficult, first we have the difficulty to create something new, and then we have the difficulty for people to understand this something new, even a simple idea of joining a barbershop with a skate shop is a concept that few people understand even skateboarders, The world is currently very difficult, and I have the impression that for us Brazilians things are 3 times more difficult, first we have the difficulty to create something new, and then we have the difficulty for people to understand this something new, even a simple idea of joining a barbershop with a skate shop is a concept that few people understand even skateboarders, The world is currently very difficult, and I have the impression that for us Brazilians things are 3 times more difficult, first we have the difficulty to create something new, and then we have the difficulty for people to understand this something new, even a simple idea of joining a barbershop with a skate shop is a concept that few people understand even skateboarders, Not that they should all go there and get their hair cut and buy their pieces, but this was developed tothey know.Regarding online commerce here in Brazil, I realize that those who are making money from skateboarding are not the skateboard stores, but large department stores like American stores, Magazine Luiza, Casas Bahia, netshoes... These guys dominate the market with their market places where they sell products they don't even know, and as in Brazil our currency is rubbish and worthless, people end up buying their products always looking for the lowest price, no matter who offers them to them. In other words, these are hard times.


I feel you bro. Let's make a change in the BR skateboarding scene through Skatehive together 🤜🤛
