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Hello friends!
In last time i lose nervs with this game. Is not problem drop, or DEC or cards, problem is in BATTLE.
Why this game make big frustration on me?
Im smart, but i know i cant win every game, i can be competitive in diamond league, i know many many good players not only in diamond, i know them in lower leagues also. That is not problem, this is challenge for everyone to win. Everyone try to win more times, and try to rent good competitive cards, all that is OK.
But why im frustated?
Im frustaded because of other reason, i dont care for 99 mana battles where people have max lvl cards on max mana cap, so its hard to win, or play vs lamma kron, also is hard but can win, BUT WIN VERSUS TROLL GAME, cant. I cant remember howmany games i lose VS low mana card URAEUS, little sneak monster with POISON, or VS DR.BLIGHT also with poison, problem is becuase GAME GIVE ADVANTAGE TO ENEMY on several ways.
First, my dr blight hit enemy 20x and cant poison enemy (not immune monsters like harclaw), and enemy in 99% battles make poison to my monsters with dr blight or uraeus. I use URAEUS in a lot battles, i win a lot battles because of this card, i know that poison on my card work like 50% chance to apply poison, BUT i lose xxx games because i hit enemy several times and cant apply poison. That make me very angry, or i have 5 monsters with solid damage hp armour, i kill enemy tank and other cards, and 1 card left on enemy team with 1 or 2 hp, and that card kill ALL MY TEAM because my stupid team cant hit 1 time to make 1 stupid damage! That is not 1 or 2 battles, that happens every days xx times, and make big frustration on me!
Reverse speed battle, i have tank with 1 speed, 5 damage, enemy tank have 6 speed 3 damage, and i miss several times, and they kill my tank like noob unit. Or i have 9 speed on my unit, i have evasion on that unit, i have fly on that unit, and enemy hit me 10x in row with no miss! Battle is not true shut, enemy have 3 or 4 speed and i have 9 speed, where is evasion where is fly?
Also i see one weird thing. If i have fire focus, i will play fire cards, if i have water focus i will play water cards. In last time i see in last 5 enemy teams random battles, they dont play focus. So that are bots, or mabey someone play tournaments or guild battles, but i notice in last time many of them have random focus battles in last 5 games, for me that is little weird.

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Pozdrav društvo,
da ne tupimo mnogo, frustriran sam u zadnje vreme jer gubim dobijene borbe u igri. Igra je jako nepravedna, i nakreće vodu na pogrešnu vodenicu. Dajem primer, karte dr.blight i uraeus. Obe karte imaju otrov, i nemaju 100% šansu za otruju protivnika. Međutim u igri, kada igram protiv ovih karti one truju moj tim konstantno u svakog mogućoj borbi, dok ja promašujem redovno. Ili recimo borba gde imam 9 brzinu na zadnjem monsteru, imam evaziju tj izbegavanje udaraca, imam letenje na tom monsteru, i dođe monster sa 3 ili 4 brzine u udara me 5x bez promašaja znači strašno!
Takođe sam u zadnje vreme primetio, zadnjih 5 borbi protivnika da ne igraju istu fakciju karti, kao da igraju turnire ili guild battle, pa me zbune da ne znam sa kojom će fakcijom da igraju. Sad da li su to opet botovi počeli da vladaju igrom ili je slučajnost videćemo.

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