Lose Weight by Exercising this Weekend (Week 136)

Greetings Hive friends, this is my first post in the @WEEKENDEXPERIENCES community, where @galenkp does not invite you to write a particular topic, this time select the weight in our body.


I want to tell you that since I was studying high school, the sport that I always liked was athletics, specifically the marathon, and my build was thin, every afternoon I went out to train to prepare myself for a few months and participate in different sports competitions. Some people at that time criticized me a lot and told me, why are you running, what are you going to reduce, if you are already skinny.

On another occasion I was training with other colleagues, and he told us "go to work" as if we were lazy or lazy, this is a lack of respect and ignorance, because the fact of doing sports does not mean that you are a person who He does not have a trade, within our team of runners they were all workers, high school and university students.


It should be noted that these people who say these things are envious who are not willing to do any sport, because they love to criticize and they do not provide any benefit to their health.

However, it is important to do a sporting activity, which allows us to burn fat to lose weight and also to maintain good physical health. In athletes, depending on the specialty, an ideal weight is required for better sports performance. In my case, I weighed 60 kilograms when I was active, participating in many running competitions in my country. I felt excellent achieving good marks in the different races in which I compete.


Nowadays I don't practice the marathon, but if I go hiking, to keep active, currently my weight is 76 kilograms, for this weekend I want to lower my weight to 70 kilograms, because some of my pants are getting a little tight and I have also felt that my physical performance has dropped a bit, because I also want to improve the time that I have done on the different mountain routes that I do every week.


This way when I lose weight I won't have to buy new clothes or pants and this will be a saving for me and also for my health, I like to eat everything, that's why I exercise and the idea is to maintain a weight that feels good to me with myself.


I think that losing weight is necessary, for our health, I would not like to be overweight because I really like sports and be active during the week to carry out my personal and sports activities, enjoy the mountains and the outdoors in nature.

On the other hand, I believe that everyone is free to choose if they want a weight according to their build, the important thing is to feel good with our body, and be happy, and if we want to lose or gain weight, then we must set ourselves a goal to be able to do what we want for our body.

I hope you liked my experience related to weight, see you in a next publication.

Photos: Redmi Note 10 Phone
Cover made in inkscape
Logo used from Hive



Going up and down on a mountain even without running is one of the best exercises you will sweat in no time, particularly when going up.


Greetings friend thank you very much for commenting


Saludos mi hermano, buena iniciativa de tu parte, hay personas que creen que el deporte es vagancia y e todo lo contrario, es vida y salud a plenitud si también lo acompañamos con una buena alimentación, te felicito por perseverar en lo que te gusta.


Saludos amigo así es el deporte es una disciplina, se debe inculcar a los niños para una buena salud física y forma parte del aprendizaje.
