A good reason to continue staking SPORTS and especially to be part of the curation


This post can also be read in Portuguese

One of my first tokens that I started to accumulate after the emergence of tribes at the time of Steemit was the SPORTS token, I remember that many people started to earn a lot and I needed to be quick to decide what I was going to do, because the first ones always have some advantage or to buy the cheapest token or even earn more money in your account.

So I decided to start by looking at the financial aspect, SPORTS was one of the "cheapest" tokens compared to others in the Hive Engine market, the chance of being able to increase my curated earnings motivated me to want to buy as soon as possible.

Well ... who doesn't like sports? It is very easy to find someone who likes to follow games or even news about football, basketball, volleyball and other sports. Every day we have issues to consume and SportsTalk Social would be an ideal place to be the information center for everyone at STEEM Hive. That was when I started to participate more in the curatorship supporting SPORTS authors.


SPORTS gave me something that I didn't have at the time of Steemit, which was to be able to support people more. Something that today I get through LeoFinance and it’s curious how the second tier communities give us that possibility.

In the Hive blog you are just another one trying to "be someone" in this incredible ocean, but when we are inserted directly in a specific community like SportsTalk, LeoFinance or CTPTalk, we can have an active voice.

But in the last few months, as you know, I’m more focused on LeoFinance, the other communities with which I have some participation is not so expressive. But recently something caught my attention. That in the SportsTalkk community, our entire curation reward would be 50%, no more and no less.

After the SPORTS team heard the cry of their community, I recently realized through @rezoanulvibes article that it is already working. It is basically the same as it is in the LEO community. Flat Curation gave a great impetus for manual curators to remain more motivated to help the community and thus this would consequently attract more and more users.

Imagine, it is all your vote given, 50% comes back to you as a reward and without having to worry about time. In that moment that you prefer the autovote you can think better if you will prefer to continue with this strategy, because it does not have to be a race for those who vote first and receive the biggest slice of the pie. We can all now taste the delicious cake. 😋🎂

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Nowadays, anyone with any amount of staked SPORTS can start supporting curatorship. Bearing in mind that this is not a way to be better than autovotes, but rather to balance the gains that we can often say were in a way "unfair" for manual healers.

Looking at the LeoDex chart, I believe that the announcement of the change in curation reward has been the reason for a good move in its price since December 28th. I am not surprised that SPORTS has insured this area well.



Today 1,000 SPORTS are worth 0.32 HIVE. The trend is that in the future, more users will be able to see the SPORTS community as another place that they can thrive in their lives. I hope that this trend can influence not only the second tier communities, to implement this modality, but also the Hive blog.

Perhaps that way we can see more small accounts being motivated to accumulate more HIVE and thus considerably increase the number of healers in the ecosystem. The SPORTS community will prosper, I know that and now I have a good reason to return to my manual curation, as it will be a great pleasure to vote for authors with the same vision as me.


Versão em português

Um dos meus primeiros tokens que comecei a acumular após o surgimento das tribos na época do Steemit foi o SPORTS token, lembro que muitas pessoas começaram a ganhar muito e eu precisava ser rápido para eu decidir o que iria fazer, pois os primeiros sempre tem alguma vantagem ou para comprar o token mais barato ou até mesmo conseguir ganhar acumular mais em sua conta.

Então decidi começar observando no aspecto financeiro, o SPORTS era um dos tokens mais "baratos" em comparação com outros no mercado do Hive Engine, a chance de conseguir aumentar meus ganhos em curadoria me motivava a querer comprar o quanto antes.

Bem... quem não gosta de esportes? É muito fácil encontrar alguém que goste de acompanhar jogos ou até mesmo notícias de futebol, basquete, vôley e entre outros esportes. Todos os dias temos assuntos para consumir e o SportsTalk Social seria um lugar ideal para ser o centro de informações para todos do STEEM Hive. Foi quando comecei a participar mais na curadoria apoiando autores SPORTS.

SPORTS me proporcionou algo que eu não tinha na época do Steemit, que era de poder apoiar mais as pessoas. Algo que hoje eu consigo através da LeoFinance e é curioso como as comunidades de segunda camada nos dão essa possibilidade.

No Hive blog você é apenas mais um tentando "ser alguém" nesse oceano incrível, mas quando estamos inseridos diretamente em uma comunidade específica como SportsTalk, LeoFinance ou CTPTalk, podemos ter uma voz ativa.

Mas nos ultimos meses como sabem, estou focado mais somente na LeoFinance, as outras comunidades com quem eu possuo alguma participação não é tão expressiva. Mas recentemente algo me chamou muito atenção. De que na comunidade SportsTalkk, toda nossa recompensa de curadoria seria de 50%, nem mais e nem menos.

Após a equipe SPORTS ouvir o clamor de sua comunidade, recentemente percebi através do artigo do @rezoanulvibes de que já está funcionando. É basicamente a mesma forma como acontece na comunidade LEO. O Flat Curation deu um grande impulso para os curadores manuais continuarem mais motivados a ajudarem a comunidade e assim isso iria consequentemente atrair cada vez mais usuários.

Imaginem, é todo seu voto dado, 50% volta para você em forma de recompensa e sem precisar se preocupar com o tempo. Nesse momento que prefere o autovote poderá pensar melhor se vai preferir continuar com essa estratégia, pois não precisa ser mais uma corrida de quem vota primeiro e recebe a maior fatia do bolo. Todos poderemos agora sentir o sabor do bolo gostoso :)

Hoje em dia, qualquer pessoa com qualquer quantidade de SPORTS staked pode começar a apoiar a curadoria. Lembrando que isso não é uma forma de ser melhor do que os autovotes, mas sim equilibrar os ganhos que muitas vezes podemos dizer que estavam de certa forma "injusta" para os curadores manuais.

Observando no gráfico do LeoDex, acredito que o anúncio da mudança de recompensa de curadoria tenha sido o motivo uma boa movimentação em seu preço a partir do dia 28 de dezembro. Não me causa surpresa de que o SPORTS tem segurado bem essa zona.

Hoje 1,000 SPORTS valem 0.32 HIVE. A tendência é que no futuro, mais usuários possam olhar a comunidade SPORTS como mais um lugar que possam prosperarem em suas vidas. Espero que essa tendência possa influenciar não apenas as comunidades de segunda camada, para implementar essa modalidade, mas também o Hive blog.

Talvez assim poderemos ver mais contas pequenas sendo motivadas a acumular mais HIVE e assim aumentarmos conseideravelmente o número de curadores no ecossistema. A comunidade SPORTS irá prosperar, isso eu sei e agora teho um bom motivo para voltar em minha curadoria manual, pois será um grande prazer em votar em autores com a mesma visão que eu.


Thanks for reading so far. If you liked it, give that strength with your upvote and rate me. Feel free to leave a comment .Thanks guys!


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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hi Coyotelation, ive read many nice things about Sports talk and its token, but ive always been an outsider when it comes to the tribe, I'm not a sportsfan lol, I know its weird, all my friends think so too. So because of this, I never really ventured into what goes on in there.

However a win for Sportstalk is a win for Hive, therefore It is nice to see another tribe making good moves to improve its economics. Will we be seeing a flat curation curve on Hive? Perhaps in the future, I read a plan to halt the penalizing of early voters in the next hardfork, so I guess thats a move forward

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Okay buddy, you don't like sports doesn't mean it's the end of the world lol.

I also believe that it is a great advance for Hive, I hope that the next HF can show us a part of this path. I'm still hoping that Hive can have Flat Curation. Until then, let's have fun in our communities.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm also curious about sports it's cheaper than others and have good team I have staked around 13$ worth of tokens


Good to see that you also see the progress being made on sports

I'm also a fan of sports and wish to accumulate now while I can so as to curate and encourage other new users and everyone in the community

Happy staking and curating

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Sportstalk has kept me more encouraged Than I thought. I started posting about a week and 2 days ago without any investment yet and over these period of time I have beg able to stake 8 thousand plus sportstalk thereby enabling me to curate. The experience gotten over this short period of time is marvelous I can say boldly


This is good news, I have always thought this community should be more popular, but token economics is complex

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I believe that as time goes by and more users join, the SPORTS community can be even better. It is always good to see that tribes think about evolving more and more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
