RE: Sporting memories: getting duped into expensive football boots


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I think you find a brand that are comfortable with and stick with them as you find out the hard way. I was with Adidas for years until I was getting stud pressure which can be painful. I bought a pair of Patrick's and they lasted a few seconds as the bottom fell off when running onto the field before the start of the game. I went back to Adidas after discussing the problem with the Adidas sport manager who sent me a pair of boots promising me that there would be no stud pressure issues. I stuck with them after that as no other sports company for boots came anywhere close. Nike wasn't big back then and even still wouldn't have been tempted. Having big feet was always a problem and normal shoes I have to take whatever I find. Normally sporting sales have all the extra large shoes on special and bargains can be found in my sizes. I say sizes as brands are not all the same and can be a few sizes different which is kind of odd.


Interesting that Adidas would put so much effort into helping a single customer. That's really great to hear. A friend of mine once went to some sort of specialized store where they would measure your foot very accurately and also do some fancy computer stuff to measure how you walk and run... like your gait or something like that... they they could "prescribe" the perfect shoe for you based on more factors than just what you thought looked cool and what brand loyalty you had. I'd never heard of such a thing before then.
