How the Future of Plankton in Steemit After HF 21



As we all know that steemit will soon be implementing HF 21 on Tuesday and will certainly bring many new changes to the steemit platform.

If you haven't read, please check Here

Changes to Rewards

Yup, the steemit team has announced to us that they will soon be implementing HF 21 in their post with the title "Hardfork 21 Survival Guide". But strangely after I read the contents of their posts, they did not tell us how to survive in steemit, even a few points that they would change would kill the plankton in steemit.

Examples such as the Reward system, where posts with a value of more than 20 steem will get a greater reward during the payout period, while posts with a vote value of less than 20 steam will get a smaller reward. This is really crazy.

The steemit team now only thinks of their investors, the whales, whereas for us the plankton they seem to drive us out of here.

Changes the Curations

There was also explained that after HF21 was successfully implemented, the author and curation would be divided to 50:50.

This point is clear, I agree, because this will make investors think about curating rather than giving their power to bots.

And profits will also be obtained by investors and authors.

The fate of Plankton and Coin built with steem?

What about the plankton fate after HF21, please those of you who understand explain it to me.

And what about the fate of coins built with steams like neoxian silver, pal, actnearn, marlians, sportstalk, etc.

I am waiting for an answer from you to understand about this problem.

Regards: @daiky69


Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama bahwa steemit akan segera mengimplementasikan HF 21 pada hari selasa dan tentunya akan membawa banyak perubahan baru di platform steemit.

Jika anda belum membaca, silahkan periksa Disni

Perubahan Pada Reward

Yup, team steemit telah mengumumkan kepada kita bahwa mereka akan segera mengimplementasikan HF 21 pada postingan mereka dengan Judul *"Hardfork 21 Survival Guide". Namun anehnya setelah saya membaca isi postingan mereka, mereka tidak memberitahukan kita cara bertahan hidup di steemit, malahan beberapa poin yang akan mereka ubah itu akan membunuh para plankton di steemit.

Contohnya seperti sistem Reward, dimana post dengan nilai lebih dari 20 steem akan mendapatkan reward yang lebih besar saat masa payout, sedangkan post dengan nilai suara kurang dari 20 steem akan mendapatkan reward yang lebih kecil. Ini benar-benar gila.

Para team steemit sekarang hanya memikirkan para investor mereka, para whale, sedangkan untuk kami para plankton mereka seperti mengusir kami dari sini.

Perubahan pada Kurasi

Disana juga dijelaskan bahwa setalah HF21 berhasil diimplementasikan maka author dan kurasi akan dibagi kepada 50:50.

Poin yang satu ini jelas saya menyetujuinya, karena ini akan membuat para investor berpikir untuk melakukan kurasi ketimbang memberikan power mereka kepada bot.

Dan keuntungan juga akan didapatkan oleh para investor dan juga author.

Nasib Plankton dan Coin yang dibangun dengan steem ?

Bagaimana dengan nasib plankton setelah HF21, tolong bagi anda yang mengerti jelaskan kepada saya.

Dan bagaimana dengan nasib coin-coin yang dibangun dengan steem seperti neoxian silver, pal, actnearn, marlians, sportstalk, dll.

Saya menunggu jawaban dari anda mengerti tentang masalah ini.

Hormat saya: @daiky69

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Good questions. Honestly, we don't know exactly what will happen and can only speculate on it as there is quite a bit of human behavior & emotions involved, which creates a variable that is unpredictable.

My opinion is this --> ++STEEM++ might get harder to earn for some authors with trace amounts of STEEM POWER.

With that said, my belief is that high quality content will actually earn more with these economic changes. How will they earn more? Here are a few reasons:

  1. Communities such as the ones you listed as well as steemleo will continue to reward in our currencies (such as LEO) for high-quality content that is relevant to our platform. You may have noticed that you can often earn 3x+ in rewards of other tokens compared to what you might earn in STEEM
  2. Downvote pool will redistribute rewards that are currently being drained from the pool by abusers back to the content creators adding value to Steem with good content
  3. Higher curation rewards = more incentive to vote on other high quality posts that might get big upvotes because of their quality
  4. Higher curation rewards + the new rewards curve also = more power to voting trails as people will be more incentivized to vote together rather than separately.

Again, this is just my speculation, but I truly believe that this will have a positive impact on authors, curators and investors on Steem. Only time will tell with certainty :)

hope this helps!


Thank you for your amazing response, ok now I have begun to understand it. The point is we plankton have to compete to make good content even though it doesn't guarantee we will get a big up vote but at least we have tried.

Secondly, with regulations like this, I think people will start investing again and some of them will go to steemleo, actnearn, pal, etc., to find steem.

Thanks again for your answer.


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