Wednesday Run - 17km (taking it easy)


dannewton just finished a 17.08km run, that lasted for 111 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 1278.0 calories.

Description from Strava: Ooh it was super foggy out there this morning!

Not that it made any difference to me by the way, I was working from home today! It hung around until midday when the weak autumn sunshine finally helped to clear it. The rest of the day was dry, and we've not had any noticeable rain since the frankly awful conditions on Friday.

I was reasonably busy at work, so the day passed relatively quickly. Before I knew it 4pm had arrived and so I was able to log out

we have a flexi-working system in place, so as long as we average a 7 1/2 hour day somewhere in-between 8am and 5pm, the actual start/finish times don't matter (unless its my turn to man the phone, in which case I have to stay logged on until the office closes at 5pm)

So yeah, not on the phone today so I could log out as early as I was allowed. It was still quite bright out, but I knew I'd better go sooner rather than later as darkness would be falling soon.


I was indecisive until I was actually putting shoes on, but I eventually decided to repeat the run I did last Wednesdays - 3 5.5km loops around the village. Last Wednesday was horrendously windy, but tonight was much calmer and so I expected a much easier run tonight.

The loop just follows the roads of the various housing estates, and is a little but boring to be honest, but I just settled into the run and let my mind wander. Its actually good practice really, as I think I've chosen the first event I will be entering next year: the Marabank, which will be a very small local timed race, in which the winner is the person who completes the most 6km loops in the space of 7 hours.

I don't expect to win, but I will be aiming to at least hit marathon distance in that time, which will be 7 loops, and then maybe towards over 50k if time (and body) allows. The first couple of loops will be interesting enough, but by laps 6 and 7 I suspect I will be just trying to grind it out and keep moving forwards. I get paid in 2 days time, so once I've sorted the rest of the bills out hopefully I'll have some spare cash left to sign up for it.

It will take place at the end of February, so that will help keep me focused on regular training during the Wintertime, when it is so easy to make excuses due to the weather, or the dark evenings...


Speaking of dark evenings, it was surprising how quick darkness fell. On the end of the 2nd loop around the village it was still fully daylight, and then just 35 minutes later all the streetlights were on. I did have a headtorch with me, but in hindsight I don't really need it if I'm running round the village roads!

It was a comfortable run in the end, and it did feel almost effortless at times, which was good to see. And I was able to spend most of it in the easy Zone 2 level, which was an improvement over last week :-)

Dinner was just more of the Sausage Pasta thing I made yesterday, and I just reheated it... quick and easy. It wasn't as good as it tasted yesterday, but it filled a hole I guess! And then I spent the rest of the evening online talking to my partner on a Teams Video call thing, which was lovely.

Tomorrow I will be back in the office, but will squeeze a little recovery run in tomorrow evening. A rest day on Friday, and then I still need to plan on where my long run will go on Saturday... I'll probably leave it 'til the last minute again!

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)


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Dannewton is really burning a lot of calories which is quite good 👍


You can actually win you know with lot of practice. The event is taking place in February so there is still a lot of time left.


There is time you're right... and only a small field of runners, so I'll see how I fare. I'll the best I can with training anyway :-)


I can see that you have planned your week
I hope you achieve your weekly goals
Goodluck to you
Happy run!


The weather has changed everywhere as we can see in the picture it is very cold season and there is a lot of beauty in this season and some people like winter very much.
