Los 2 grandes, Argentina y Francia, ganan sus semifinales de manera muy sólida!

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Ayer tuvimos la segunda y última semifinal de la Copa del Mundo, y Francia obtuvo una victoria muy sólida y merecida contra Marruecos, lo que significa que se enfrentará a Argentina en la final de este domingo.

Ambas semifinales fueron entretenidas, y en ambos casos, el equipo más grande pudo ganar con más comodidad de lo que mucha gente esperaba. Cuando se trata de la estrella principal de ambos equipos, Messi y Mbappé, ambos ayudaron a sus equipos en su semifinal, y también están empatados en la lista de máximos goleadores de la Copa del Mundo. Cada uno de ellos tiene 5 goles hasta ahora.

Esta Copa del Mundo ha sido una con más sorpresas de las que esperaba, pero al final, el partido final no fue tan difícil de predecir. Argentina y Francia estaban entre los equipos favoritos desde el inicio del torneo, y este domingo veremos cuál es realmente el mejor del mundo.

Yesterday we had the second and last semifinal of the World Cup, and France obtained a very solid and deserved victory against Morocco, which means they will be facing Argentina in the final this Sunday.

Both semifinals were entertaining, and in both cases, the bigger team was able to win with more comfort than many people were expecting. When it comes to the main star of both teams, Messi and Mbappe, both of them helped their teams in their semifinal, and they are also both tied in the top scorers' list of the World cup. Each of them has 5 goals so far.

This World Cup has been one with more surprises than I was expecting, but in the end, the final match wasn't really that hard to predict. Argentina and France were among the favorite teams since the beginning of the tournament, and this Sunday we will see which one is really the world's best.

Fuente de vídeo de intro libre de copyright. Modificado por mí.

Fuente de imagen de fondo

Música libre de copyright:
ZakharValaha from pixabay
Coma-Media from pixabay
Nemeti Tivadar from pixabay
Coma-Media from pixabay
Coma-Media from pixabay

About Dedicatedguy

I am a Venezuelan geek, cinephile and introverted guy. I have always been passionate about tech innovations as well as creative fictional stories that can make your mind inhabit another world.

Writing about various topics, learning about the ever-expanding crypto world, and doing a little bit of trading is how I spend most of my days. My preferred forms of entertainment are films, series, European football, and a good book from time to time.

I chose "dedicatedguy" as my username to constantly remind myself about the importance of consistency and dedication in order to achieve any desired result we might want in life.

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