Pencanangan Bulan Bakti Gotong Royong Masyarakat Desa Semen

Hallo Teman Teman Hive Community Kali Ini Desa Semen akan memberikan laporan kegiatan kita tentang pencanangan bulan bakti gotong royong masyarakat (BBGRM) Yang di wakili oleh kepala desa semen Bpk. Suyanto.

Hallo Hive Community Friends. This time, Semen Village will report on our activities regarding the declaration of the Community Mutual Cooperation Month (BBGRM) which is represented by the cement village head, Mr. Suyanto.

With mutual cooperation, problems that arise in the community can be more easily resolved, as Ngawi Regent Ony Anwar Harsono conveyed at the culmination event of the Ngawi Regency Community Mutual Service Month (BBGRM) commemoration at the Wedya Graha Pendopo. Tuesday (05/24/22).
(image take from instagram ngawikab_)

The BBGRM Momentum will make We Realize Optimistic East Java Rise the central theme of this year's commemoration. According to Ony Anwar Harsono, this can be a trigger for excitement rising from adversity and troubles due to the Covid-19 pandemic. "Alhamdulillah, activities are back to normal, economy is starting to develop, this is our collective momentum to grow," he said.

With the participatory scheme, it is stated that Ony Anwar will expedite any problem resolution that arises. And stressed that when public trust in the government is there, this participatory Ngawi regent can emerge: "We strive to continue building public trust, particularly through integrity and excellent service to the community," he added. On this occasion, the Regent of Ngawi recognized the village head's achievement for his role in making Ngawi Regency the first rank with the highest rice productivity.
(image take from instagram ngawikab_)

Ony Anwar explained that this achievement is at the same time a mandate to keep agricultural land fertile with organic farming: “If it is exploited only with the aim of producing a lot of it, it will be a time bomb, so it must also be used and taken care of .

The organic rice movement is mandatory unless the village head is an example, who else,” he explained. In addition, the village chief's achievement in achieving records of underdeveloped villages also received recognition from the regional leadership in Ngawi: “Thank God there are no underdeveloped villages left in Ngawi Regency, we continue to strive for all villages to develop, progress and become independent villages," he said.
(image take from instagram ngawikab_)


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