(ESP-ENG) Recarga de esperanza para la Vieja Señora - Recharge of hope for the Old Lady.


¡Buona notte a tutti!queridos compañeros, hoy se jugo el clásico de Italia -o al menos así esta denominado por muchos-, en el cual se concreto una victoria muy importante para los locales. Los dirigidos por Allegri llegaban al encuentro con la desazon de haber culminado una de las fases de grupo mas grises en los ultimos tiempos (llego a dos finales de Champions entre 2015-2021) y ahora no pasar de fase de grupos ha sido un golpe fuerte. Y lo mejor que puede suceder despues de un mazazo de ese calibre es ganarle a tu clasico rival. En este post a continuacion escribire un resumen/analisis de este encuentro. ¡Acompañenme!

Buona notte a tutti! dear colleagues, today we played the Italian derby - or at least that's how it is called by many - in which a very important victory was achieved for the home team. Allegri's team came to the match with the disappointment of having finished one of the most grey group stages in recent times (they reached two Champions League finals between 2015-2021) and now not getting out of the group stage has been a big blow. And the best thing that can happen after a blow of that caliber is to beat your classic rival. In this post below I will write a summary/analysis of this match. Join me!




Cuando llego Anotonio Conte a la direccion tecnica del club bianconero ni el mas optimista de los Juventinos se habria imaginado todas las alegrias que daria el club de sus amores en el contexto local, en la liga. Un club que venia golpeado por el escandalo del calciopoli, de no ver luz en la liga producto de la dominancia del Inter de Mancini-Mourinho, Conte le daria la vuelta a esa historia. De la mano de Marchisio,Vidal,Tevez,Buffon, y demas, los Bianconeri empezaron a surgir como un todopoderoso y temible club. Lo lograron, 3 scudettos consecutivos culminaban la gloriosa epoca de Conte, y luego, el ultimo DT (en ese momento, 2014) capaz de lograr el campeonato con el Milan, Massimiliano Allgegri, se hacia cargo del banquillo de los de Turin, cargando con el enorme peso de seguir en la senda del triunfo que habia iniciado su antecesor antes mencionado.

Con las mismas bases, pero con la explosion futbolistica de un maravilloso mediocampista Frances, Paul Pogba, en el primer año de Allegri, la Juventus estuvo hasta la ultima fecha a punto de lograr el triplete -hazaña lograda en Italia solo por el Inter en 2010- liga ganada con comodidad, copa lograda con destellos individuales, y Champions perdida en la final ante el Barcelona de Luis Enrique. A pesar de la dura derrota, los Bianconeri no se vinieron abajo, e intentaron de nuevo reconquistar europa. En 2017 llegaron a la Final de Cardiff, pero se encontraron con uno de los equipos mas completos que se ha visto en la ulima decada, el Madrid de Zidane. La defensa mas solida del mundo en ese momento (Chiellini-Bonucci-Barzagli) se vio ampliamente superada por el ataque de los merengues. La orejona no pudo ser, y es una deuda que tiene pendiente el mas ganador de Scudettos.

En liga siguieron dominando, ya con menos lucidez en competencia europea. Allegri y Sarri lograrian mas scudettos. Pero los grandes de Milan empezarian a recobrar fuerzas y se hicieron presentes en las luchas por la Serie A. Primero el Inter seria el encargado de destronar a la Juventus, y la temporada pasada el AC Milan se hacia presente en la mesa conquistando su titulo 19. La Juventus empezaria a soltar una competencia de la cual se aferro durante mucho tiempo para consolar las palias europeas.

When Anotonio Conte took over the technical direction of the Bianconeri club, not even the most optimistic Juventino would have imagined all the joy that the club of his love would give in the local context, in the league. A club that had been battered by the calciopoli scandal, and had not seen the light in the league due to the dominance of Mancini-Mourinho's Inter, Conte would turn that story around. With Marchisio, Vidal, Tevez, Buffon and others, the Bianconeri began to emerge as an all-powerful and fearsome club. They succeeded, 3 consecutive scudettos culminated Conte's glorious era, and then, the last coach (at that time, 2014) capable of winning the championship with Milan, Massimiliano Allgegri, took over the bench of the Turin team, carrying the enormous burden of continuing on the path of triumph that his predecessor mentioned above had started.

With the same foundations, but with the footballing explosion of a wonderful French midfielder, Paul Pogba, in Allegri's first year, Juventus was on the verge of achieving the treble - a feat achieved in Italy only by Inter in 2010 - winning the league comfortably, winning the cup with individual flashes, and losing the Champions League final to Luis Enrique's Barcelona. Despite the heavy defeat, the Bianconeri did not give up, and tried again to reconquer Europe. In 2017 they reached the Cardiff Final, but they met one of the most complete teams seen in the last decade, Zidane's Madrid. The most solid defense in the world at that time (Chiellini-Bonucci-Barzagli) was largely outplayed by the attack of the Merengues. The "orejona" could not be, and it is a debt that the most Scudetto-winning team still has pending.

In the league they continued to dominate, but with less lucidity in European competition. Allegri and Sarri would win more Scudettos. But the Milan giants began to recover their strength and became present in the Serie A fights. First Inter would be in charge of dethroning Juventus, and last season AC Milan would be present at the table conquering its 19th title. Juventus would start to let go of a competition it had been clinging to for a long time to console the European clubs.




Los años no pasan en vano para ningun ser vivo. Y la Juventus empezo a despedir a sus figuras emblematicas y reemplazarlas con piezas que, a priori, tenian la calidad suficiente, pero eso no se pudo lograr. Szczesny no hace olvidar a Buffon, Danilo por mas bien que lo haga no ofrece la solvencia que si dio Lichsteiner, Bremer va llegando para suplir a Chiellini, Vlahovic-Milik-Kean se alternan para borrar las huellas de Tevez/Morata. Y pare de contar.

Ojo, estimado lector, no digo que los jugadores antes mencionados sean malos. Calidad tienen, algunos son campeones consumados. Pero hay epocas en las que se cruzan todas las cualidades necesarias para que una plantilla haga historia, mas que una cuestion de nombres individuales, se trata de una combinacion de factores que engranan junto a un tema colectivo. Pirlo llego a la Juve con cierta edad, y lo que no corria el en el campo lo corria Vidal, y asi.

Algo parecido sucede en un club en España... pero bueno, continuando con lo que compete segun el titulo de este escrito,las esperanzas de un club que otrora hacia lo que queria en su liga local poco ha quedado.

El conjunto dirigido por Allegri para esta temporada se reforzo de muy buena forma, con la llega de Pogba, Paredes, Milik, Di Maria, Bremer, y demas, se armo una plantilla capaz de hacerle frente a todas sus compromisos. Pero las lesiones empezaron a mermar a la plantilla y surgieron chicos de la cantera que tienen demasiado talento, unas ganas de brillar y de comerse al mundo, y un corazon ilusionado por devolver al club de sus amores al lugar donde tanto tiempo estuvo. En la cima. Algo parecido sucede en un club en España...

The years do not pass in vain for any living being. And Juventus began to dismiss its emblematic figures and replace them with pieces that, a priori, had enough quality, but that could not be achieved. Szczesny does not make Buffon forget, Danilo, no matter how well he does it, does not offer the solvency that Lichsteiner did, Bremer is coming to replace Chiellini, Vlahovic-Milik-Kean alternate to erase the traces of Tevez/Morata. And so on. 

Attention, dear reader, I am not saying that the aforementioned players are bad. They have quality, some of them are accomplished champions. But there are times when all the qualities necessary for a squad to make history come together, more than a question of individual names, it is a combination of factors that come together with a collective theme. Pirlo arrived at Juve at a certain age, and what he didn't run on the field, Vidal ran, and so on.

Something similar happens in a club in Spain... but well, continuing with what concerns the title of this article, the hopes of a club that once did what it wanted in its local league have little left. 

The team coached by Allegri for this season was reinforced in a very good way, with the arrival of Pogba, Paredes, Milik, Di Maria, Bremer, and others, a squad capable of facing all their commitments was put together. But injuries began to weaken the squad, and then some youngsters emerged from the youth academy who have too much talent, a desire to shine and eat the world, and a heart full of enthusiasm to return the club of their love to the place where it has been for so long. At the top. Something similar happens in a club in Spain...




El Inter llegaba al Estadio de la Juventus con la moral en alto luego de haber sobrevivido al grupo que le toco en Champions, con un intratable Lautaro Martinez, buscaban escalar posiciones en la liga. Paradojicamente, en Champions el conjunto de Inzaghi se ha visto solido, pero en la Liga, con la derrota de hoy ya son 5 tropiezos, y empieza a verse muy lejos del lider Napoli.

Lautaro tuvo un par de ocasiones clarisimas para marcar, pero un disparo se fue desviado y otro bien atajado por el arquero polaco, Dzeko se vio muy contenido por la defensa bianconera, Barella poco gravito en ataque, el escenario estaba puesto para que La Juventus pudiese tomar ventaja en el marcador, y asi fue: Una gran conduccion de Kostic sirvio para asistir a Rabiot , quien con un gran gesto tecnico logro cambiar la trayectoria del balon hacia la porteria. Luego llegaria el 2 a 0 -anulado en ese momento- con gran polemica generada por el VAR. Los invito a que vayan a ver esa jugada. Danilo empuja el balon con la mano de forma involuntaria, estando agarrado por el central del Inter. O era gol o era penal... pero, no fue ni una ni la otra.

Para los utlimso minutos la Juve decidio dar una amrcha atras a las lineas en el campo, invitando al Inter a buscar el empate, y en una gran jugada entre Bremer y Kostic, El pibe Fagioli lograba romper el arco de Onana (con la colaboracion del desvio de Gosens) para colcoar el 2 a 0 definitivo y lograr en el semblante de Agnelli una felicidad que hace rato no se veia por los lados de Turin. La Juve escala hasta la 5ta posicion, a 10 puntos del lider Napoli, el Inter se estanca en la 7ma linea.

Inter arrived at the Juventus Stadium with morale high after having survived the group they had to play in the Champions League, with an intratable Lautaro Martinez, they were looking to climb positions in the league. Paradoxically, Inzaghi's team has been solid in the Champions League, but with today's defeat they have now lost 5 times and are starting to look far behind leaders Napoli.

Lautaro had a couple of clear chances to score, but one shot went wide and the other was well saved by the Polish goalkeeper, Dzeko was very restrained by the Bianconeri defense, Barella had little impact in attack, the stage was set for Juventus to take the lead on the scoreboard, and so it was: A great drive by Kostic served to assist Rabiot, who with a great technical gesture managed to change the trajectory of the ball into the goal. Then came the 2-0 - disallowed at the time - with great controversy generated by the VAR. I invite you to watch that play. Danilo pushes the ball with his hand involuntarily, being grabbed by the Inter center-back. It was either a goal or a penalty... but it was neither one nor the other.

For the last minutes Juve decided to push back the lines in the field, inviting Inter to look for the equalizer, and in a great play between Bremer and Kostic, the young Fagioli managed to break Onana's goal (with the collaboration of Gosens' deflection) to score the definitive 2-0 and make Agnelli's face happy in a way that had not been seen for a long time in Turin. Juve climbs up to the 5th position, 10 points behind leaders Napoli, Inter stagnates in the 7th position.




Estan lejos del Napoli que no parece dar tregua en ninguno de sus encuentros, sea la competencia que sea, pero la Juventus tiene con que ilusionar. Quedan pocos encuentros antes del paron por el Mundial, y ya para Enero que vuelve a rodar la pelota, el conjunto de Allegri tendra a su disposicion algunos guerreros con los que no ha podido contar hasta ahora. Y, tambien, mayor ritmo en las piernas de Chiesa, que para mi, es el chico distinto capaz de lograr desborde en la Juventus.

Mañana lunes 7, sera el sorteo de Europa League, competencia que creo, la Juventus puede ganar. Aunque tambien es cierto que quiza veamos la competencia de los Jueves mas reñida de la historia, producto de los grandes clubes que la van a disputar. Ademas es una competencia en la cual puede poner toda la carne en el asador, como se suele decir de forma coloquial en el ambito futbolero; si en liga empieza a verse imposible de campeonar, puede colocar todas sus piezas cuando encare los encuentros por Europa, dosificando en Liga.

Llegando asi al final de este post. Gracias por acompañar, ¡y nos seguiremos leyendo!

They are far from Napoli, which does not seem to give any respite in any of its matches, whatever the competition, but Juventus has something to look forward to. There are only a few games left before the World Cup break, and by January, when the ball is back in play, Allegri's team will have at their disposal some warriors they have not been able to count on so far. And, also, more rhythm in the legs of Chiesa, who, for me, is the different guy capable of getting Juventus off the ball.

Tomorrow, Monday 7th, will be the Europa League draw, a competition that I think Juventus can win. Although it is also true that we may see the most fierce Thursday competition in history, due to the great clubs that will be playing in it. Moreover, it is a competition in which they can put all their eggs in the basket, as they say in the colloquialism of the soccer world; if in the league they start to look impossible to win the championship, they can put all their pieces in place when they face the European matches, dosing in the league.

This brings us to the end of this post. Thanks for joining us, and we will keep reading!

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English is not my native language. All the texts translated with:


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