My 3 favorite soccer players

En el mundo de fútbol han pasado diversos futbolistas ,que con su estilo han deslumbrado la cancha y a todos , con sus diversos trucos , pases y goles .

In the world of soccer there have been several soccer players, who have dazzled the field and everyone with their different tricks, passes and goals.

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Pero si todos hemos tenido jugadores de fútbol favorito que con su estilo de juego nos cautivaban y quiero compartirles a mis tres jugadores de fútbol favoritos .

But we have all had favorite soccer players who captivated us with their style of play and I want to share my three favorite soccer players with you.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cr7 unosnde mis tantos delanteros favoritos , pero el cristiano que mas me gustaba era viendo era mas joven a sus 20 años ,sus bicicletas eran todo un crack sus regates y su velocidad .

Cr7 unosnde my many favorite strikers, but the Christian that I liked the most was seeing was younger at 20 years, his bikes were all a crack his dribbling and speed.


El mago del balón ronaldinho un crack en la cancha su elástica y su cambio de ritmo dejaba desarmado a los defensas rivales , tanto sus fabulosos tiros libres , sin duda cr7 y ronaldinho eran mis favoritos de niño me gustaba mucho entrenar la elástica para tratar de sacarlo como ellos .

The magician of the ball ronaldinho a crack on the court his elastic and his change of pace left disarmed rival defenders , both his fabulous free kicks , no doubt cr7 and ronaldinho were my favorites as a child I loved to train the elastic to try to get it out like them .

Andrea Pirlo


Unos de mis centro campista favoritos el italiano Andrea Pirlo , sus pases largos y pases gol eran todo un lujo , y sin duda sus tiros libres era un crack cuando jugo con la juventud y el milan.

One of my favorite midfielders, the Italian Andrea Pirlo, his long passes and goal passes were a luxury, and certainly his free kicks were a crack when he played with youth and Milan.

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Translated with:


Ronaldinho has agurly been a stylish player, a good dribbling and so, but may favorite is jay jay okocha
