[ESP-ENG] Algo desconocido | Opinión

Esos otros equipos son sin duda los favoritos, los que están en la boca de todos, y cuya preferencia por parte de los fanáticos es la más alta, y es allí cuando surgen esas actuaciones inesperadas. Son vistas de esa forma, porque se piensa que lo mejor tienes en tu club favorito, cuando no hay más nada escapado de la realidad, que ignorar el talento de tu rival, o creer, que tu preferencia siempre terminará la temporada con un título.
In soccer there are clubs that sometimes go unnoticed, it can also be said that they were not known in a specific way with something relevant to a certain point of a competition, and it is not until an outstanding performance occurs at group or individual level of a certain player, that we can really realize about the level they have, this sometimes happens when we expect more from other clubs.
Those other teams are undoubtedly the favorites, the ones that are on everyone's lips, and whose preference by the fans is the highest, and that's when those unexpected performances arise. They are seen that way, because it is thought that you have the best in your favorite club, when there is nothing more escaped from reality than ignoring the talent of your rival, or believing that your preference will always end the season with a title.
En lo más alto | At the top
Los ahora dirigidos por el Holandés Arne Slot, han conservado el buen funcionamiento a nivel grupal, para así de una u otra forma sorprender a muchos, a quienes estaban expectantes sobre cuál sería el destino de un club, cuyo desempeño estaba anclado al estilo de jugar de Klopp, haciendo difícil pensar en mantenerse sin el estratega germano, y más aún competir por algún lugar en Europa, los hechos hablan por sí solos, son los que más puntos han conseguido hasta ahora, con un total de 15, además de la reciente y clara victoria por 2 a 0 frente al Real Madrid.
At the top of the standings of the highest European competition, the Champions League, is the English club Liverpool, the Reds, as they are popularly known, not only dominates the continent, but also its local championship, a clear example of what I have been telling you, is that nobody expected such performance from this team, especially after the departure of the great German coach Jürgen Klopp, an absence that he has been able to cope very well.
The now coached by the Dutchman Arne Slot, have maintained the good performance at group level, so in one way or another to surprise many, those who were expectant about what would be the fate of a club whose performance was anchored to Klopp's style of play, making it difficult to think about staying without the German strategist, and even more to compete for a place in Europe, the facts speak for themselves, they are the ones who have achieved more points so far, with a total of 15, plus the recent and clear 2-0 victory over Real Madrid.
No hablar de este Inter es bastante extraño, pues se trata, que en la posición en la que se encuentra este club, significa estar dentro de los primeros 8 puestos en la tabla, que son los lugares que le dan el acceso directo a los 8 vos de final sin la necesidad de jugar una repesca, una situación en la cual nadie querría estar, debido a que acarrea jugar muchos más partidos para poder acceder a la siguiente fase. ¿Tendrá todo esto que ver con que el Real Madrid y el PSG estén en el puesto 24 y 25, respectivamente? Que siga rodando el balón.
It seems unbelievable that no one is talking about the Italian club Inter Milan, the black and blue, have shown a level of competition in Europe of the most consistent that have been seen in the last 3 seasons, as their performance at group level has been maintained in order and have managed to get the necessary points to be currently in second place, behind Liverpool with 13 units, the Italians have gone unnoticed despite their place in the table which makes us be under an unknown situation in soccer at the level of statistics.
Not talking about this Inter is quite strange, because the position in which this club is, is within the first 8 places in the table, which are the places that give direct access to the round of 16 without the need to play the playoffs, a situation in which no one would want to be, because it involves playing many more games to access the next phase. Will all this have to do with Real Madrid and PSG are in 24th and 25th place respectively? Keep the ball rolling.
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Portada de la publicación editada con la aplicación Canva
El traductor de texto del español hacia el idioma inglés utilizado para esta publicación fue: DeepL translator
Correccion de ortografía a través de la herramienta: Lenguage Tool
Imagenes usadas en esta publicación tomadas de la plataforma: X
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Resources used in the publication
Cover of the publication edited with the Canva application
The text translator from Spanish to English used for the description of this publication was: DeepL translator
Spelling correction through the tool: Lenguage Tool
Images used in this publication taken from the platform: X
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El Liverpool y el Inter son dos clubes históricos en el viejo continente, excelente tu post aunque me hubiera gustado leerte sobre el actual desempeño del FC Barcelona, saludos y fuerte abrazo
Coincido totalmente estimado autor. Muchas veces miramos a los que sobresalen, pero la realidad indica, que los equipos, atletas, pilotos sin tanta relevancia, juegan un papel importante en el negocio y en las competencias deportivas. Nos encantó como presentaste el tema, de manera que podamos reflexionar al respecto.
Gracias, por compartirlo en el feed.
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