Love Is Sweet


Just maybe while growing up, I wasn't privileged to be in an environment and around people who believe in love and act in love. I was in an environment where people say they love you but hate you and hurt you the most without feeling remorse about what they do.

I was in an environment where I get to see couples fight and without mind taking it public. They don't only fight inside for their children to see, but they fight outside for everyone to see.

I was in an environment where people say they love you but act the opposite with one goal, "Everyone to yourself". It was a bad one for me, it was indeed a mess for me because, at a point in time, I never believed in love.

I wouldn't even say it to anyone and never expected anyone to say it to me because I felt they never meant it and I was afraid they will hurt me the most. I was scared of being in a friendship, or relationship whatsoever.

I wasn't interested in having friends because of fear of betrayal, wasn't interested in being in a relationship because of fear of hurt and even when I was in a relationship, I expected the worst. I felt anything can and would happen, and prepared my mind for the worst.

I wasn't into the relationship, even when I loved, never told, behaved as if I don't care about anything even when I did, and this made people misunderstood me. One part of me knew there was something called true love but the other was finding it hard to believe and accept that truth.

Because of the environment, I grew up in, I saw a different definition of what love was, and this caused me a lot. It deprived me of knowing what love is and from the truth that love is indeed sweet with the right person.

I don't know how many people out there like me who was once confused about if true love still exists, but I say this today with so much confidence that indeed true love exists and it is sweet with that right person.

Don't give up on love just yet, learn to love yourself first and you will realize that true love exists and it is sweet.
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Daily Activity, Walking


It is open door for me.

