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Soy de punta de mata aquí nací pero por cosas de la vida me tocó salir pude conocer todo un mundo por afuera dejando en alto el nombre de mi bandera pero regreso con nueva actitud demostrando lo mejor de la juventud estado en varios lugares y me an preguntado dónde está punta de mata donde a quedado y les respondo estábamos aki seguimos aguantando con valor pero demostrando que somos guerreros hablo por mi juventud quieto verla reír quiero verla bailar verla logra sus sueños estoy orgulloso por mi Venezuela digan lo que digan hablen lo que quieran páse lo que pase estamos aqui dandole la cara al país.
Punta de mata te habla hurtocrew (bis)
Hermano unos rallados todo oriente.

✓ Somos represent de Zamora en la parte cultural al igual que muchas personalidades jóvenes que pudieron resaltar, tanto en deporte arte y en su forma de pensar
sabemos que en Zamora hay una lucha por cambiar y que revolución es luchar contra lo que está mal
la historia lo puede recalcar si ves la relación entre la batalla de la victoria lo puedes recordar
una lucha por valores que nos otorgó la libertad
Una lucha de cora en contra del clasismo tanto asi que yulimar se llevó el oro en atletismo.

Si ven, la juventud no quiere ni llanto ni dolor la juventud tampoco quiere guerra ni temor

Cómo jóvenes mantenemos el amor y por lema el honor, la verdad amor a la libertad no necesitamos mas problemas que dañen nuestra voluntad.

✓ Asi que apostemos por los ámbito culturales.
En esto tiempo nesecitamos mostrarle.
Al oyentes, del continente, que los sueños se hacen reales.
Siendo prudente, desmotrandole atravez del arte lo que sale.
Sacrificarse vale la pena.
Dejando huella permanente sin problema.
Educarse es lo primordial en este sistema.
Y que la generaciónes estén unido, ese es el tema.
Una juventud trasmitiendo energía buena.
Existe libre de expresión con nueva idea.
También muestra tu talento, no importa la odisea.
Se guerras que busca la libertad.
Mejor apostemos y busquemos la paz.
Recordamos que la peor batalla es mental.
Y no está de más, apoyar y dejar la ignorancia atrás.

Somos de punta de mata aquí nacímos crecimos cosas de la vida me tocó salir pude conocer todo un mundo por afuera dejando en alto el nombre de mi bandera pero regreso con nueva actitud demostrando lo mejor de la juventud estado en varios lugares y me an preguntado dónde está punta de mata donde a quedado y les respondo estábamos aki seguimos aguantando con valor pero demostrando que somos guerreros hablo por mi juventud quieto verla reír quiero verla bailar verla logra sus sueños estoy orgulloso por mi Venezuela digan lo que digan hablen lo que quieran páse lo que pase estamos aqui dandole la cara al país.
Punta de mata te habla HurtoCrew (bis)

Hermano unos rallados todo oriente.


I am from punta de mata I was born here but because of life I had to leave and I got to know a whole world outside leaving the name of my flag high but I return with a new attitude showing the best of youth I have been in several places and they have asked me where punta de mata is and where it has been and I answer them I answer them we are here we continue to endure with courage but demonstrating that we are warriors I speak for my youth I still want to see them laugh I want to see them dance I want to see them achieve their dreams I am proud of my Venezuela say what they want speak whatever they want no matter what happens we are here giving our face to the country.
Punta de mata speaks to you hurtocrew bis
Brother some rallados all over the east

✓ We are representing Zamora in the cultural part as well as many young personalities who could stand out, both in sports art and in their way of thinking.
We know that in Zamora there is a struggle for change and that revolution is to fight against what is wrong.
history can emphasize it if you see the relationship between the battle of the victory you can remember it.
a fight for values that granted us freedom
A struggle of cora against classism so much so that yulimar took the gold in athletics.

You see, the youth does not want tears or pain, the youth does not want war or fear either.

As young people we keep love and by motto honor, truth love freedom we don't need more problems that damage our will.

So let's bet on the cultural spheres.
In this time we need to show.
To the listeners, of the continent, that dreams become real.
By being prudent, showing them through art what comes out.
Sacrificing is worth it.
Leaving a permanent mark with no problem.
To educate oneself is the primordial thing in this system.
And that the generations are united, that is the theme.
A youth transmitting good energy.
There is free expression with new idea.
Also show your talent, no matter the odyssey.
There are wars that seek freedom.
Let's better bet and seek peace.
We remember that the worst battle is mental.
And it doesn't hurt to support and leave ignorance behind.

We are from punta de mata here we were born here we grew up things of life I had to leave I could know a whole world outside leaving high the name of my flag but I return with a new attitude showing the best of youth I have been in several places and I have been asked where is punta de mata where is it left? I speak for my youth, I want to see them laugh, I want to see them dance, I want to see them achieve their dreams, I am proud of my Venezuela, whatever they say, whatever they say, whatever they want, no matter what happens, we are here giving our face to the country.
Punta de mata speaks to you HurtoCrew (encore)

Brother some rallados all over the east.

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▶️ 3Speak


??? Looking for tricks in this post, didnt find any, you have other communnity on hive to post that. please dont try monetize anything here...


My Bad, this is a meeting with the heavy weith of the goverment in my Town, talking about the skatepark we need and the place we have. Thats what i'm saying there but u right, should post it somewhere else.


rap battles are cool but yeah if you are gonna post in skatehive there should probably be something about skateboarding in the video


Know it , tbh im talking there about out proyect to make the skatepark in the zone.

Thats a political meeting.
