RE: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


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Absolutely phenomenal and we definitely need to do more with the martial arts community.
My Filipino martial arts have definitely complimented my Brazilian jiu jitsu skills.

This one time I had a student I was working with while multiple BJJ coaches were watching and I hit a wrist lock resulting in this guy tapping and then complaining about how that was illegal and that didn't count.

The instructors told him the reason why you don't have access to those techniques is you are a much more inexperienced person than the coach that's rolling with you. It is super hard to pull off any wrist lock that they were super surprised and tickled to see because only an idiot would get caught in that.

Only an idiot would get caught in it because it was supposed to be just a threat to get them to react which then gave me an opening. However I just scored the tap so I'll take that one right to the bank.

Of course wrist locks are legal in BJJ.

Martial arts are extremely important and congratulations on making Brown. 20 years white for me...


Oh wrist locks are completely legal blue belt and up. I use them as a catch move when white belts are starting to get close to blue belt, and as an arsehole move to cause that reaction like you were.

So good to spread the martial arts love across the blockchain. May it inspire people do discover this fun activity and walk with more confidence.


All is legal love war and jiu-jitsu...

And only an idiot would get caught in a wrist lock. Unless you're going against me and then I'm pretty famous for catching one.
