My Actifit Report Card: April 25 2024

Hello Hive! How are you?

Since we broke the floor of our caravan and now need some time to think about how to fix it, we are taking this opportunity to make some progress on the land itself.

Apart from a few walks, we have never really closely examined every part of our land. And to get to know it, I think it will take us a few months to a few years.

Since spring, the weather in our area has been quite unpredictable. We've had a few heatwaves followed by some intense rains. Nothing like it to let the vegetation take over again.

So, we decided to clear the brush on our land before it becomes nearly impossible. And this will allow us to walk around our pond again.

It's a pity, I haven't been able to take many photos. But in the photos where you can see me, I'm busy mowing the grass in front of the house. When we have time to create a vegetable garden, this is surely where we will do it.

On the other side of the pond, we simply mowed the grass to make paths among the tall grasses. It would have been too time-consuming to cut everything, and it would have been unnecessary for now.

We prefer to let biodiversity develop. And when we need all of our land, we might cut it eventually. But for now, we are focusing our efforts only on the areas that we will use in the coming weeks.

It's an electric brush cutter that my aunt lent us for the occasion. It's much lighter than a gasoline-powered one. The only problem is that the battery needs to be recharged after about 30 minutes, and it takes just as long to recharge it.

We could have two batteries, but they cost 500 euros each. So, it's quickly decided to spend our money elsewhere. While the battery was recharging, I helped @altheana clean our little bamboo forest.

There are quite a few dead bamboos. To help the new ones develop, she started removing all the dead ones. It's a great initiative and also a lot of work.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Gardening, Home Improvement, Yard Work
