A perfect game for the retro era / Un juego perfecto para la época retro - VIRTUA TENNIS 2



Good morning community, this time I will tell my experience with this sports game, called Virtua Tennis 2, is a game of the dreamcast console that I enjoyed in my time with this console, as it brought me so many memories I wanted to play again to tell how is the gameplay and other features relating to it, as we all know a game of Tennis at first glance looks somewhat simple but we must follow the rules of the game to avoid making mistakes to not cancel the moves.

Buenos días comunidad, en esta oportunidad voy contar mi experiencia con este juego de deportes, llamado Virtua Tennis 2, es un juego de la consola dreamcast que disfrute en mi época con este consola, como me trajo tantos recuerdo quise jugar de nuevo contar como es la jugabilidad y otras características referentes al mismo, como todo sabemos un juego de Tennis a simple vista se ve algo sencillo pero debemos seguir las reglas del juego para no cometer errores para que no anulen las jugadas.


To start this game I could enjoy it in the year 2000, at that time I really liked to watch the Tennis games on television on sports channels, there were many famous players at that time the internet was only used by the need to investigate something important, at that time there were few who had the privilege of that service, with this I want to tell you that my biggest hobby was playing video games, among friends we played Virtua Tennis 2 for long hours.

Para empezar este juego lo pude disfrutar en el año 2000, en ese tiempo me gustaba mucho ver los juegos de Tennis por la televisión en canales de deportes, habían muchos jugadores famosos en esa época el internet solo se utilizaba por necesidad de investigar realizar algo importante, en aquel entonces eran poco los que contaban con el privilegio de ese servicio, con esto quiero decirle que mi mayor pasatiempo era jugar los video juegos, entre amigos jugábamos Virtua Tennis 2 por largas horas.


The quality of images of this game were impressive, because we came from the ps1 generation and its graphic quality was not so powerful, the detail of the players as the clothing is very consistent with the date we were left with our mouths open until the movement, behaviors of Tennis professionals resemble the players in real life. The courts we could see advertising of the brands of that time, we could see the juries and the ball collectors, among the varieties of the courts we could see the difference of the floor had different colors we could enjoy light blue, green, there were some with green but with wear and tear of so much play.

Las calidad de imágenes de este juegos eran impresionantes, porque veníamos de la generación del ps1 y su calidad gráfica no era tan potente, el detalle de los jugadores como la vestimenta es muy acorde a la fecha quedamos con la boca abierta hasta los movimiento, conductas de los profesionales del Tennis se asemejan a los jugadores de la vida real. Las canchas podíamos ver publicidad de las marcas de aquel entonces, podíamos ver los jurados y los recoge pelota, entre las variedades de las canchas se veía la diferencia del piso tenían de diferentes colores podíamos disfrutar de colores azul claro, verde, habían unos con verde pero con desgate de tanto jugar.



The sound of the shoes was very particular had synchrony with the plays or movements of the characters, the narration when we had to serve, when you won or lost or the player was fatigued could be felt with the audio, I can say that this is what stunned me in the game because I thought I was playing personally. The controls are very simple to serve the ball we had a bar of power or intensity, we had to hit the ball we had 2 options above the head or below, we had the possibility of deceiving our opponent depending on where he entered the court I always looked if he was ahead sent the ball to the bottom of the court, if he was behind tried to get the ball not so hard so it could not reach.

El sonido de los zapatos era muy particular tenia sincronía con las jugadas o los movimientos de los personajes, la narración cuando debíamos sacar, cuando ganabas o perdías o estaba fatigado el jugador se podía sentir con el audio esto puedo decir que es lo me atropo en el juego porque pensaba que estaba jugando personalmente. Los controles son muy sencillos para sacar la pelota teníamos una barra de poder o intensidad, debíamos golpear la pelota teníamos 2 opciones por arriba de la cabeza o por abajo, teníamos la posibilidad de engañar a nuestro contrincante dependiendo del lugar donde se entrara en la cancha yo siempre me fijaba si estaba adelante mandaba la pelota para el fondo de la cancha, si estaba atrás intentaba que la pelota no llegara con tanta fuerza para no pudiera llegar.


There are many strategies that we can use with the tennis game, each one we are doing environment as this running the game, we had several game modes the main one was a TOURMENT in this game mode we compete against the computer to be the best tennis player and win the trophy, EXHIBITION in this game mode can compete against friends and computer is a practice game say that way, WORLD TOUR we go around the world competing all against all professional tennis players.

Son muchas las estrategias que podemos utilizar con el juego de tennis, cada una la vamos haciendo entorno a como este corriendo el juego, teníamos varios modos de juegos el principal era un TOURMENT en este modo de juego competimos contra la computadora para ser los mejores tenista y ganarnos el trofeo, EXHIBITION en este modo de juego podemos competir contra amigos y computadora es una partida de práctica digamos de esa forma, WORLD TOUR vamos por todo el mundo compitiendo todos contra todos tenistas profesional.


 All images are taken from my cell phone / flyer maker editing program.

 Todas las imágenes son tomadas de mi celular / programa para editar flyer maker.



I'll call that game as old but gold. It's really good to play some tennis. Even I didn't know one this players in game it looks fun.

Btw you should increase your activity on hive. You should visit other authors' posts and engage with them. They will come back and visit you. That's how you can progress on Hive. Please consider that suggestion.


if this game is very devertido, for his time is very real e could play current games of tennis and are always more of the same say a fifa that changed the template players, if constant mind I am dedicated to participate but in healing processes by discord channels, I always talk about the game and provide support that gives me each community to publish my post, I am dedicating a day to read and digest the content of the other authors to enjoy and learn and never miss a like for them as my hp power is little I am little visible thanks for support and give those suggestions that are ideal to grow in the community of hive gamer.


wao juegaso este tenis a mi me encanta los juegos de tenis mas si son retros.

wao juegaso this tennis I love tennis games but if they are retro.
