Aguascalientes October 8-11 / Skate Gallery


La banda se motivó a ir un fin de semana a Aguascalientes, alías "ciudad patín" y esque es un paraíso skate, la mayoría de la gente te deja patinar spots aun si son muy concurridos y es la sede de una distribuidora nacional importante de productos skates llamada Malinche, a quienes por cierto agradecemos por la hospitalidad, el hospedaje y la motivación de sus patinadores. Filmando 3 días como locos estos son unos de los mejores momentos que pudimos capturar📸

English translation:
The krew went down to Aguascalientes City for a weekend, Aguascalientes alias named is "skate city" it is a skate paradise, most people let you skate spots even if they are very crowded and it is the headquarters of an important national Skateboarding stuff distributor of products named Malinche, whom we certainly thank for the hospitality, lodging and motivation of their skaters. After filming 3 days like crazy men these are some of the best moments we could capture📸

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Victor Lira con una buena línea de fakie 3flip y fullcab en las escaleras.

English translation:
Victor Lira with a good flat fakie 3flip and fakie fullcab on the stairs.

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Raúl Mendoza destrozando spots a donde quiera que va!!
Que tal ese spot creativo de pooljump a boardslide.

English translation:
Raúl Mendoza destroying spots wherever he goes !!
How about that creative pooljump to boardslide spot.

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NoComply Loncho.jpg
Loncho a sus 13 AÑOS DE EDAD, Nocomply sobre estas escaleras WTF
Que chingon tenerle dentro del crew, siempre con la energía de un infante, listo para detonar 24/7.

English translation:
Loncho at 13 YEARS OLD, Nocomply on these stairs WTF
It´s greate to have him in the crew, always with the energy of an infant, ready to destroy 24/7.

FS Flip Tristan.jpg
Tristian es el desnivelero más brutal que se puede encontrar en nuestra ciudad León Gto. Recientemente adquirió sponsor de tablas RAW por parte de la distribuidora Malinche y está filmando para su videoparte de bienvenida, tuve la fortuna de capturarle este Frontside flip en "Alameda" icónico spot de la ciudad de aguas mientras que "el Umi" le grababa el clip, como se aprecia en la fotografía.

English translation:
Tristian is the most brutal gap skater that can be found in our city León Gto. He recently acquired a sponsor of RAW skateboards from the distributor Malinche so he is filming for his welcome to team video part, I was lucky enough to capture him this Frontside flip in "Alameda" iconic spot in the city of Aguas while "el Umi" recorded the clip for him , as seen in the photograph.

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50-50 Drop a las piedras, brutal!!
literalmente brutal, en el primer intento mi rodilla azotó contra una piedra ya que la tabla se trabó al caerle, sabía que existía esa posibilidad al ver el spot, por lo que no me agüite volviéndolo a intentar y lográndolo, aun que después de enfriarme se inflamo y ya no pude patinar durante el resto del tour jaja.

English translation:
50-50 Drop to the stones, brutal !!
literally brutal, in the first attempt my knee hit a stone cause the board got stuck when I land, I knew there was that possibility when I saw the spot, so I did not get discouraged, I tried again and succeed but after cooling down my knee swelled and I couldn't skate for the rest of the tour anymore haha.


Duuuuude that drop in the rocks looks so hard! Hope your knee is ok now!

Alley-up fs flip was nuts as well as the Cab! Trying to learn cabs down stairs but they are so fucking difficult!


hahah thanks yo had to smoke lot of weed but is back like new now haha and I know man, cabs are sick! personally my cab secret is to pop on the right time pretty much but I don´t do them as good as Vic thoe 🤣
