Teenage dreams with Jorge Alcalá # 1



Got a bunch of photografies from when Jorge was a teenager and this cannot be missed at the HIVE blockchain. Teenage dreams will be a section on our blog where we will plubish those photos in the next few weeks so get on board and don't miss the days where this dude used to actually pop his board lol🤣

Tengo un montón de fotografías de cuando Jorge era un adolescente y la cadena de bloques de HIVE no se las puede perder. "Teenage dreams" serán una sección en nuestro blog donde publicaremos esas fotos en las próximas semanas, así que sube a bordo y no te pierdas los días en que este tipo solía botar trucos en su skate jajaja

BS 180 - 17 años.jpg

Back side 180 over a trash can is the first "Teenager dreams" photo ever. Jorge was 17 years old and he used to pop really good, in fact check out this 360 flip fromo that same sesh 6 years ago, I see good pop skills right here.

Back side 180 sobre un bote de basura es la primera foto de "Teenager dreams". Jorge tenía 17 años y solía hacer pops muy buenos, de hecho mira este 360 ​​flip de esa misma sesión hace 6 años, yo veo buenas habilidades para botar aquí.

360 flip - 17 años.jpg

Long socks, shorts, no hair, and a sk8Mafia board... YO what a days!

Calcetines largos, shorts, sin cabello, y una tabla sk8Mafia... ¡Ah qué días!

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What STOKEN plans to bring to Hive 🍯

Unique name, and meme-ified branding that will stand out above the hard to find Hive brand.

Real world events tied to web3 content creation.

Attracting non crypto content creators, into web 3.0

Exciting content to bring in non crypto audience.

Focus on onboarding large, existing communities i.e: Reddit skateboarding: 385k members, and Redbull: 10 million YouTube subscribers.

NFTs. Plans include real world utility, fund raising, and future gamification.
DTF ( Decentralized Token Fund )

Stoken DAO: Decentralized voting system to allow the community to sponsor athletes, content creators, influencers, and real world events.

A new token for you to earn for doing Hive stuff!

Possibility of future airdrop of governance tokens. 

Stoken Tribe Is Coming On Hive

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STOKEN will be an extreme sports tribe in which people can get rewarded for doing what gets them, and others stoked using the power of web 3.0 and communities.

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Jorge JR. jumping stuff hehehe! Look at that face! You are so young and innocent man jaja!


as I am today 😇 lol


You look like a stoner now dude hahahaha ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Same as every adult skateboarder I know hahaa
