Virtual Slide Jam II - Sponsored by SkateHive



For those new to the longboarding world, there is a common longboard event known as the Slide Jam. Similar to how a Jam in skating takes place all on one object, a Slide Jam traditionally takes place on a single section of steep road somewhere, with contestants all hurtling down the same hill while trying to pull off not only the biggest slide, but also more complex categories such as best trick, slide / trick combo, most stylish, and sometimes someone wins the best bail.

However during Covid lock downs, these events basically ceased to exist, which is why Kurt Derow started the Virtual Slide Jam last year! The Virtual Slide Jam was all done online, with contestants submitting videos via tagging on social media, and later reviewed by a panel of judges online.

SkateHive will be donating the rewards from this post, as well as all following Virtual Slide Jam post's rewards towards the participant who got the most community involvement.

Here is the recap video of the first week of the contest this year:

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🛹 SkateHive 🛹 is the house of Web 3.0 skateboarders and our goal is to onboard skaters in web3.

We have developed dApps, NFT projects, our own token and more. 

**Our mission is to fill the new internet with smart contracts that benefit our culture**.  

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Let's gooooo!!! You should get those guys in here and start posting updates about Virtual Slide Jam! They can build up a solid revenue stream for the winner!


Yeah the main guy was just traveling, and I met him in Vancouver. So I'm going to get him online soon, once he's back home and all rested up.


My previous @v4vapp proposal has expired. I have a new one which is running but unfunded right now. I'm still running @v4vapp and all my other services.

I've just updated and I'm getting ready for some exciting new features after the next hard fork.

Please consider asking your friends to vote for prop #265 or consider unvoting the return vote.

For understandable reasons in the current crypto climate it is harder to get funded by the DHF, I accept this so I'm asking a wider audience for help again. I'll also add that I power up Hive every day and usually power up larger amounts on 1st of the Month. I'm on Hive for ideological reasons much more than for only economic benefit.

Additionally you can also help with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.
