Intricacies of Gymnastics performance using apparatus

Authored by @Jacco25

Hello lovely givers!
It is pertinent to speak on the second type of gymnastics today. After tedious research I came out with the following content to discuss with friends here.

Apparatus are the basic tools used in performing gymnastics activities.
The basic Apparatus are Swinging rope, Vaulting box, parallel bars and skipping rope.

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Swinging rope: We use swinging rope to swing. The process includes:
Tying the rope on the cross bar, hold the rope firmly with both hands and run in one direction and then swing back, having done that for some times, release the rope and then jump down on both feet.

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Vaulting. We use the vaulting box when vaulting. The activities includes:
Get a box in position, make a short run up, spring up and throw the body weight high with the trunks as vertical as possible. Keep the head up and swing the legs powerfully and well extended astride the box to clear the box with hands on the box. Putting the extended legs together, landing on the toes with the palms on the ground.

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Balancing on parallel Bar
The following are approaches to balance on the parallel Bar includes:
Stand in front of the parallel Bar, place each hand on both end of the bar with firm grip, bend the knee to prepare to take up. Jump up into a straight arm support and mount on the bar heading up, chest out and toes pointing down. To come down; release the body, bend the arms and get down on the feet to the feet to the starting position.

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Skipping: This exercise can be done individually or with three people.
We use skipping rope when skipping. The activities of skipping involves:
1. Get the correct rope by stretching out the arms with the rope just touching the ground.
2. Start with the rope touching the ground behind or at the back.
3. Jumping on the spot as the rope passes the face and under the foot in a rhythmic jumping steps.
