Lost 15 kilos in less than 2 months


I lost 15 kilos in less than 2 months by changing my lifestyle. I used to not care about how I looked, whether I was overweight or not. I am now 47 years old, and last February I learned that I am going to be a father. That realization hit me: how can I take care of my family if I'm not healthy? You see, I believe that being fat is a sign of being unhealthy. Being fat is different from being big because of having large muscles.



Because of this, I decided to lose weight, not just for myself but because I want to stay fit for my family.

I started working out for one month and switched from rice to oatmeal, but nothing changed. I told myself there must be something wrong with what I was doing. At least I wanted to see even a little difference in my weight, but there was none. Yes, my muscles got firmer and rounder, but that's not what I wanted. The belly fat was still there, round and hard.

Then I started to look for answers. I stumbled upon a doctor on YouTube who gave advice on healthy foods.

One of his videos was about not eating sugar or anything that contributes to increased sugar content in the body, such as rice and bread.

That day, I stopped consuming anything with sugar and anything that would contribute to increasing sugar in my body. In two weeks of doing this, along with simple exercises, I started to see improvements in my weight.

I now only eat chicken, beef, and vegetables for meals. In the morning, I drink homemade fruit shakes. Eating this daily can become monotonous, so you really need to stay focused.

I have been following this routine for two months now, and I am really pleased with the results. My weight is now 75, my belly fat has reduced and become softer compared to when I first started.

Being slim is not just about looking good, it's about living a healthy life.

In my next topic, I will share some recipes that I have used to cook my meals.


Wow, that's awesome. I can relate to that avoiding high carbs can make us loss weight and healthy. Mine, I included intermittent fasting. Fasting for 16 hrs to 20 hrs and fasting for 24 hrs every three months.
