Exchange between the merchant of death and a basketball star: The case of Brittney Griner. Eng -Esp

Exchange between the merchant of death and a basketball star: The case of Brittney Griner.

It seems to me like a fictional movie or some dystopian film, the fact that an attempt is made to exchange an ex-convict with a high-performance athlete.

When basketball player Brittney Griner was arrested in Russia, her life would change, completely because being charged and sentenced to 14 years in prison, is something that no one wants to happen to her, 14 years in a prison in Russia, must be twice as bad.


But who is Brittney Griner?

Brittney Griner is an American basketball player who plays for Ekaterinburg of Russia, a team that has had some recent glories. Griner had an outstanding career at the college level for Baylor University in Texas, where she stood out for her level, her physical strength and her imposing stature.

Griner has some records on her shoulders such as being the first woman to score over 2000 points in the NCAA Championship.
Griner is also a two-time Olympic medalist having won gold medals in Rio de Janeiro 2018 and Tokyo 2020, having also excelled in both competitions.

So we are talking about a great athlete, not just someone who practices the sport and that's it. The girl is outstanding although not as famous as other athletes could be.

Apart from Olympic medals
Brittney Griner has three world championships hanging around her neck having won all three championships in a row for the United States from 2014 to 2022. Thus or more outstanding.


Arrested and Sentenced in Russia

This girl's life changed in February when she was arrested at a Russian airport with some e-cigarette cartridges and Cannabis oil among her personal belongings.

Griner pleaded guilty to the crimes she was charged with, however, she clarified that she uses Cannabis oil to alleviate the back pain caused by so many years of training and that it was not her intention to enter the country with these objects and that she did it unintentionally when she packed her suitcases in a hurry.

The objects seized from Griner are controlled and always under medical prescription, so it seems that sentencing her to so many years in prison is a disproportionate measure, knowing her condition.


Exchange for the Merchant of death

Here comes the totally absurd part of all this, and this is why I abhor with all my being countries like Russia, China and other weeds.

If on the one hand I have been telling about a girl who is an athlete, an exceptional person, that the only crime she committed is to go and play in a country as disgusting as Russia.

Now the dictatorial government of that country is asking to exchange Viktor Bout, nicknamed "The Merchant of Death" sentenced to 25 years in a U.S. prison, for selling weapons illegally.

Now Brittney Griner is in a complicated position while trying to negotiate his release and return home. I can't conceive the idea that you can negotiate between an athlete who has done nothing wrong and someone who was found guilty of real crimes.

Version en Español

Intercambio entre el mercader de la muerte y una estrella de basketball: El caso de Brittney Griner

Me parece que fuera una película de ficción o alguna película distópica, el hecho que se intente intercambiar a un exconvicto con una atleta de alto rendimiento.

Cuando la básquetbolista Brittney Griner fue arrestada en Rusia, su vida cambiaría, por completo pues al ser acusada y sentenciada a 14 años de prisión, es algo que nadie quiere que le pase, 14 años en una prisión en Rusia, debe ser el doble de malo.


¿Pero quien es Brittney Griner?

Brittney Griner es una básquetbolista estadounidense que milita para el Ekaterinburgo de Rusia, equipo que ha tenido algunas glorias recientemente. Griner tuvo una destacada carrera a nivel universitario para la universidad de Baylor en Texas, donde destacó por su nivel, su fortaleza física y su estatura imponente.

Griner tiene algunos récords sobre sus hombros como ser la primer mujer en anotar las de 2000 puntos en el Campeonato de NCAA.
Griner también es dos veces medallista olímpica al haber conseguido las medallas de oro en Río de Janeiro 2018 y en Tokio 2020, habiendo destacado también en las dos competencias.

Por lo que estamos hablando de una gran atleta, no es simple alguien que práctica el deporte y ya, no. La chica es destacada aunque no tan famosa como podrían llegar a serlo otros atletas.

Aparte a las medallas olímpicas
Brittney Griner posee tres campeonatos del mundo sobre sus colgada sobre su cuello al haber ganado los tres campeonatos en fila para Estados Unidos desde el 2014 a 2022. Así o más destacada.


Detenida y sentenciada en Rusia

La vida de esta chica cambió en febrero cuando en un aeropuerto de Rusia fue Detenida con algunos cartuchos de cigarrillos electrónicos y aceite de Cannabis entre sus objetos personales.

Por su parte Griner se declaró culpable de los delitos que se le imputan, sin embargo, aclaro que usa el aceite de Cannabis para atenuar el dolor de espalda provocado por tantos años de entrenamientos y que además no fue su intención ingresar con esos objetos al país y que lo hizo sin querer al empacar sus maletas apresuradamente.

Los objetos incautados a Griner son bajo controlados y siempre bajo receta médica, por lo que parece que condenarla a tantos años de prisión es una medida desproporcionada, sabiendo la condición de ella.


Intercambio por el Mercader de la muerte

Acá viene la parte totalmente absurda de todo esto, y es por esto que aborrezco con todo mí ser a países como Russia, China y otras malas hierbas.

Si por un lado he estado contando de una chica que es una atleta, una persona excepcional, que el único delito que cometió es irse a jugar a un país tan asqueroso como Rusia.

Ahora el gobierno dictatorial de ese país está pidiendo intercambiar a Viktor Bout, apodado "El mercader de la muerte" condenado a 25 años de prisión en una prisión estadounidense, por vender armas de manera ilegal.

Ahora Brittney Griner se encuentra en una posición complicada mientras se trata de negociar, su liberación y su regreso a casa. No concibo la idea que se pueda negociar entre un atleta que no ha hecho nada malo y alguien a quien se el encontró culpable de verdadero delitos.


Trumped up charges to benefit their own needs and why travelling in these countries poses a risk. You have to be squeaky clean and even then they will find something to plant on you. This obviously isn't fair and the trade will happen.


That was the first thing that came to my mind, why travel to Russia?
Griner was playing for a team there, but I don't think he couldn't get a contract in the USA.
This is all premeditated on the part of Russia, who will obviously get their way, once again.


The trade was rejected because, and I might be getting parts of this wrong, Russia wanted someone who is being held in Germany to be released as well. Back to the drawing board!


This is just crazy, would absolutely hate being in her position. Crazy contrast to some parts of America legalising marijuana use for recreational use


Well she is being used as a bargaining chip by the Russian authorities, who want this character back.


This is unjust and an unequal barter. A bright basketballer whose offence isn't that grave in exchange for a criminal. That's unfair. I pity Griner.
