My Actifit Report Card: January 9 2022


Sundays are always a day that I give myself more breathing room on. Between church and my regular game night experience, I don’t have quite the same amount of time to work on stuff, and there is the Biblical injunction to have a day of rest to consider.

Despite this, I work on something I love and which requires no physical exertion, so I’m bad about actually keeping the Sabbath. Besides, I’m plenty lazy on every day of the week!

So I’m not going to sweat my writing output today. I did an update for @loreshapergames and also did a little bit of writing on Kenoma. It works out closer to a thousand words, though I did some of the stuff for the Quickstart and some of the stuff for character creation that won’t wind up in Quickstart stuff, so I wound up probably somewhere between 1500-2000 words today (I could do the math, but I don’t want to take the time for it.

I was a little less active than usual, just because I had more stuff that requires me to be sitting or at least semi-stationary. It occurred to me that my microphone picks me up everywhere in my room now, so I can actually pace around during game night like I used to. That’s not exactly a great habit of mine, but it would keep my steps up.

Still got out for a walk. It was warm. I was actually thinking about staying in the shade as much as possible, because it didn’t feel at all like January.

Such is life here.

I think I’m still on schedule for the revised Kenoma quick-start date, so we’ll see how that goes. I’m also hoping to do some other writing next week. The really important goal for me is to get the Quickstart out the door. It doesn’t need to be the final version or print-ready, it just needs to be in people's hands!

Other than that, I’m a little fried and not the best conversationalist. I need to start making money in order to stay self-employed, which means either freelancing (which I hate marketing for, even though I enjoy doing it) or self-publishing.

The thing people don’t talk about is that self-publishing always means waiting a long time for royalties to come through, at least for “I need money right now to sustain myself” versus what you might think when you see the numbers on paper. You’re looking at typically waiting a month before you can touch any cash, and even then you might be waiting for transfers or checks to get where they need to go.

That means that my absolute point of no return for making money is March or maybe April if I’m particularly bold and inflation doesn’t ruin my day. I’m lucky enough to fall back on my family, but I need to also be looking at where things go in the future.

Right now a big part of that will be the Supreme Court mandate stuff. What I’ve seen coming out of the court is basically awful (I joked that Sotomayor makes a good case against women holding public office), and if they say that everyone needs to have a jab mandate then I need to either be self-employed, find someone who will hire me as a fully remote worker, or find someone who will disregard the law.

I left my old job because even though they recognized the validity of my religious objection they still said they’d basically fire me the moment the government said they should, which doesn’t really strike me as having any respect for my beliefs (and hints that they’re a bad long-term partner). I enjoyed it, though it wasn’t exactly the best pay.

But it’s not my fault that they refused to make any vaccines which were morally acceptable for my religious beliefs, and I’m usually able to take vaccines and medication.

What is clear to me is that I will never forgive these people. I was an anarchist even before all this, and all I have learned is that my mistake was having any charity toward people who take my money to blow up children.

Note: I actually got 8677 steps, but my Fitbit is being finicky.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

