My Actifit Report Card: April 19 2022


Today was a pretty rough day. I don’t feel awful and I’m in good spirits, but I’m way low on sleep and I had a horrible headache for most of the afternoon.

I did get a little writing done, though not as much as I would like. Turns out that pushing yourself for several hours to work on a game and then having problems falling asleep (this darn stomach stuff) leaves you feeling a little exhausted, but my doctor visit to get checked out is tomorrow so hopefully I’ll have more of an idea of what might be going on and have some ideas for solutions.

I feel good about my work on project stuff, even though I wound up spending a lot more time relative to productive writing on Carrion Birds. I think there are some issues with how things work in the injury/combat damage/hazards interplay, from a communication perspective rather than a strictly mechanical perspective.

I think I’ve more or less resolved them, but it’s a heck of a thing and we’ll see if it stays resolved as I go through stuff. Basically the way it works is that most of the time when you take damage you’re going to test against Incapacitation, but in combat it’s less likely because it involves acute injuries and adrenaline (as opposed to things like drowning and hypothermia, which will take you out as they hurt your body).

Will have to make up the slack tomorrow. I’m not terribly below my goal for the day, but I’m not hitting it.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

