Dividing Time Between Work and Family.


Dividing Time Between Work and Family.

How are you friends on this occasion..?
Hopefully you are still in the protection of God the Almighty and are still in good physical and mental health, hopefully you are all not less than one thing. On this occasion, I will share my daily activities on Friday, 14/10/2022.

A sunny morning started my activities as a housewife, the thing I do is of course take care of the household. I started by cleaning the house, preparing breakfast for the family and taking care of the children and husband for their activities.

Around 7:20 a.m. WIB, the activity begins. My husband and I immediately took the children to their school, then my husband took me to the office. Around 7:45 a.m. WIB, I arrived at the office.


When I arrived at the office, I immediately met my work colleagues who had arrived earlier. We chatted with each other while enjoying some snacks, when office hours started my friends and I immediately carried out activities as usual.

The next activity was to carry out clean Friday activities, where we carried out mutual cooperation activities at the office. This mutual cooperation includes cleaning all office spaces, office yards and office gardens.


We do this cleaning activity every Friday, we share our duties and responsibilities for this gotong royong activity. Around 09:00. WIB, the mutual cooperation activity was over, my friends and I immediately rested for a while in the canteen before continuing with the next activity.

My activities continue to prepare unfinished work, what I do is planning mapping and collecting data to understand the public's reluctance regarding the reluctance of the Polio vaccine as part of the Polio eradication program. I did this activity together with some of my co-workers, thanks to the solid cooperation, for the time being we managed to complete the work.


Since it's Friday, the break schedule is earlier than usual. Around 11.30. WIB, I immediately returned home for a while. What I do is prepare a lunch menu for my family, perform the Dzuhur prayer and enjoy lunch with my beloved family.

Around 14.30. WIB, I returned to the office. What I do at the office is to continue the work that I am obliged to complete. Together with my colleagues, we returned to carry out the task, we carried out the task until 16.30. WIB.


Then I immediately returned home, I immediately cleaned myself up, performed the Asr prayer and went to exercise. The sport I do is jogging in the park area of ​​Paya Kareung Bireuen Stadium, in this place I exercise with friends while enjoying the fresh air in the stadium park area.

The purpose of exercising is none other than to maintain physical fitness so that the body remains healthy always, around 18.15. WIB, I finished the task and immediately returned home.


The next thing I did at home was to continue my duties as a housewife, then I immediately cleaned myself up and performed the Maghrib prayer. Next I accompany the children to learn while playing, I take a moment for the children at home.

Around 21.00. WIB, my family and I went to one of the cafes in the city center. We are here to enjoy the atmosphere of the beauty of the night, with food and drinks served by the cafe waitress. We ordered some menus for togetherness tonight, whenever we have free time, my family and I are always together by traveling outside the house.


Around 23.00. WIB, my family and I immediately returned home. Arriving at home, I immediately cleaned myself and performed the Isha prayer, then I immediately took time to rest from today's activities.

That's the activity that I went through, on Friday, 14/10/2022, hopefully it can be useful and entertain all of my friends. Sorry if there are words that are wrong or less pleasing to the heart in this writing, we are always human and never escape from mistakes.

That is all and thank you.


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Family is important and it's clear you have a good heart for prioritising family even amidst the work and daily activities.
