Henthusiast Bring me Challenge #12 "Papaya Tree" ❤️

Hi Everyone of the Henthusiast Haven Community!!

This post is my entry for the "HENTHUSIAST, BRING ME CHALLENGE # 12" 🌳🌴

The post that we need to bring is "A Photo of a Tree in your Area and give its Name"

Taaadddaaaahhh!!! 🎉


A photo of "Papaya Tree"

Did you know that a Papaya Tree with its leaves, fruits and seeds, has many health benefits:

One of it is that it can be used to treat a person who has a dengue fever 🤒🌡️🦟.. Anyone can be infected with it but if we can immediately prevent we can overcome with it. 💪😇

And papaya also is one of the most widely cultivated crops in the world. Its fruit, seeds, and leaves are frequently utilized in a variety of culinary and folk medicine practices.

So, what are you waiting for plant a Papaya Tree now❤️🥰🎉👏

Papaya tree is easy to grow so you won't need to worry. First, you need some seeds, some soil in a pot or an area where you'll plant your papaya tree. Remember though that even if papaya is easy to grow, you still need to expose it under the sunlight and water it everyday and make sure to fertilize it to grow bigger and bear healthier fruits.

By the way the Papaya Tree I captured a photo with is not mine but my neighbor's. Hehe 😊 credits to our neighbor🥰🫶

Thank you and have a blessed day ahead🙏😇

