From Boxing, UFC and MMA to PFC... Unthinkable [Eng/Esp]

We all know what UFC, MMA, and boxing are all about; we all know how shocking and bloody those fights are, where with punches, elbows, knees and flying kicks, any opponent, no matter how strong, can go straight to sleep on the canvas. There are countless fights in which these warriors have met, and logically they have succumbed to the power of their opponents. However, more and more unconventional sports are appearing that seek to break the rules of the market. That's right, because what we bring here is another story, that is, the beauty of the fights in the ring, but without the violence of the aforementioned blows. And why there is no violence?, well because we are just going to give each other pillows. Hahaha, likewise, who since childhood has not been in a fight with pillows; who has not been on top of a bed and give a few good blows to his brother, sister, or any other opponent. So that's what we're talking about, the PFC, the World Pillow Fighting Championship. Let's get down to business.


Todos conocemos lo que significa la UFC, la MMA, y el boxeo; todos conocemos lo impactante y sangrientos que son esos combates donde a punta de puñetazos, codazos, rodillazos y patadas voladoras, cualquier rival sin importar lo fuerte que sea, puede ir directo a dormir a la lona. Son infinitas las peleas realizadas en las que se han dado cita estos guerreros, y lógicamente han sucumbido ante el poderío de su rival. Sin embargo, cada vez más son los deportes no convencionales que aparecen, y que buscan romper las reglas de mercado. Así es, porque lo que traemos aquí es otra historia, es decir, lo hermoso de las peleas sobre el ring, pero sin la violencia de los golpes antes mencionados. ¿Y por qué no hay violencia?, bueno porque solo nos vamos a dar almohadazos. Jajaja, asimismo es, quien desde niño no se ha batido en un combate con almohadas; quién no ha estado encima de una cama y darle unos buenos golpes a su hermano, hermana, o a cualquier otro oponente. Entonces, a esto nos referimos, a la PFC, el Campeonato Mundial de Almohadas. Vamos a la acción.

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We are in the presence of a sport where the fighters who have participated have understood that the idea of getting hurt has been forgotten for them. And just as there are people who like violence and blood, there are many others who want to have fun without seeing anyone bathed in blood. In general, a discipline has emerged where fighters who are thinking about retirement, even those who are already retired, could dabble, because they will always feel the adrenaline of a fight in the ring in a different way. Of course, who said that there is no intensity in these fights, you just have to feel the impact of these special pillows on your face or body; a blow can leave you stunned, so you must apply all the defense and combat techniques known in each fight, of course you have to abide by certain rules.


Estamos en presencia de un deporte donde los peleadores que han participado, han comprendido que la idea de lastimarse, para ellos ha quedado en el olvido. Y así como hay gente que le gusta la violencia y la sangre, existen muchas otras que desean divertirse sin ver a nadie bañado en sangre. Por lo general, ha surgido una disciplina donde los peleadores que piensan en el retiro, incluso los ya retirados pudieran incursionar, porque sentirán siempre la adrenalina de una pelea sobre el ring de una manera diferente. Claro que sí, quien dijo que no hay intensidad en estos combates, solo debes sentir el impacto de estas almohadas especiales sobre tu rostro o cuerpo; un golpe te puede dejar aturdido, por lo que que deberás aplicar todas la técnicas de defensa y combate conocidas en cada pelea, claro que tienes que atenerte a ciertas reglas.

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Imagine one of those pillows coming towards your face, as if it were a punch. Then you have no choice but to dodge it with a crouch, or with the classic diagonal body movements. I haven't really seen these fights, but they must be a real blast. The truth is that this sport has become an excellent alternative for the public that can't stand violence and blood. Something very important about this discipline is that they are thinking of making it an official Olympic sport. It would be neither strange nor far-fetched for this to happen.


Imagínate una de esas almohadas venir hacia tu rostro, como si de un puñetazo se tratase. Entonces no te queda más remedio que esquivarla con una agachada, o con los clásicos movimientos diagonales del cuerpo. De verdad que éstas peleas, no las he visto, pero deben ser un verdadero vasilón. Lo cierto es que ese deporte se ha convertido en una excelente alternativa para el público que no soporta la violencia y la sangre. Algo muy importante de esta disciplina, es que se está pensando en convertirla en un deporte oficial olímpico. No sería ni extraño, ni descabellado que esto sucediera.

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Now, as in every sport, this also has its rules. And it is so because each fight is provided for 3 rounds of 2 minutes each; where the opponents face each other with the only weapon that exists, a pillow filled with foam rubber covered with a nylon canvas, this pillow weighs 1 kilogram of pure power. No low blows, back blows, or contact with any other part of the body are accepted. Usually it is extremely rare to see a #KO in these fights, so the victory goes to the one who delivers more blows, and logically the one who has caused more damage to his opponent. Don't be afraid that there is no blood, no bruises, no fainting, of course a well connected punch to the nose could cause a few drops of blood to spill. As a special note, in the event that during the fight a pillow comes loose and flies away, the fight will be stopped until the combatants are on equal footing. Lots of curiosity.

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Ahora, como en todo deporte, este también tienen sus reglas. Y es así porque cada combate está provisto por 3 asaltos de 2 minutos cada uno; donde los oponentes se enfrentan con la única arma que existe, una almohada rellena de goma espuma cubierta con una lona de nailon, esta almohada pesa 1 kilogramo de puro poder. No se aceptan golpes bajos, golpes por la espalda, ni contacto con cualquier otra parte del cuerpo. Por lo general es sumamente raro ver un #KO en estos combates, por lo que la victoria se la lleva el que más golpes propine, y lógicamente el que más daño haya causado a su oponente. No se asusten que no hay sangre, ni moretones, ni desmayos, claro un golpe bien conectado a la nariz pudiera hacer derramar unas gotas de sangre. Como nota especial, en caso de que durante el combate se desprenda una almohada y salga volando, la pelea será detenida hasta que los combatientes estén en igualdad de condiciones. Mucha curiosidad.

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Going into the matter in more depth, the first official PFC championship was held on January 29, 2022 in Miami Florida, and 16 male fighters, and 8 female warriors were present; since two categories were being disputed for a prize of 5 thousand dollars in each one of them. It is worth going to fall down with pillows for that amount. It is valid to remember that each of the fighters comes from boxing and mixed martial arts. The championship began, and after several days of combat, the first champions of the discipline were announced. In the men's category, American and MMA fighter Hauley Tilmann defeated Marcus Brimage, and Brazilian Istela Nunes gave her pillow to Kendahl Voelker. They each enjoyed their belts, and best of all the $5,000 in prize money. Not bad this check without dropping a drop of blood, and not a single bruise. It was great.

Hualey and Istela

Entrando en materia con más profundidad, el primer campeonato oficial de PFC se llevó a cabo el 29 de enero 2022 en Miami Florida, y se dieron cita 16 peleadores masculinos, y 8 guerreras; ya que se estaban disputando dos categorías para un premio de 5 mil dólares en cada una de ellas. Vale la pena ir a caerse a almohadazos por esa cantidad. Es válido recordar que cada uno de los peleadores proviene del boxeo y de las artes marciales mixtas. Se inició el campeonato, y luego de varios días de combate se conocieron los primeros campeones de la disciplina. En la categoría masculina el norteamericano y luchador MMA Hauley Tilmann derrotó a Marcus Brimage, y la brasileña Istela Nunes le dio su almohadazo a Kendahl Voelker. Cada uno se gozó su cinturón, y lo mejor de todo los 5 mil dólares en premios. Nada mal este cheque sin soltar una gota de sangre, y ni un solo moretón. Grandioso.

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Truly, these new emerging disciplines, beyond creating events for the enjoyment of spectators who often feel bored to see the same things, have been created as a kind of protection for fighters who day after day receive violent blows in each of their fights. An example of this is the bloody fights we see in boxing and mixed martial arts. That is why we enjoy sports like pillow fights, and this server presents it to you in case you know about them. I hope the content has been to your liking and see you another time.

De verdad que estas nuevas disciplinas emergentes, más allá de crear eventos para el disfrute de los espectadores que muchas veces se sienten aburridos por ver las mismas cosas; se ha creado como una especie de protección a los luchadores que día tras día reciben golpes violentos en cada uno de sus combates. Ejemplo de ello, los combates sangrientos que vemos en el boxeo y en las artes marciales mixtas. Por ello disfrutamos de deportes como las peleas de almohadas, y este servidor te la presenta en caso de conocer de ellas. Espero que el contenido haya sido de tu agrado y nos vemos en otra oportunidad.

...Gracias Por Visitar...

...Thanks for visiting...

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Sorry. English is not our native language. Therefore, a web translator is used for texts in English. (Spanishdict)


Hahaha it is really unthinkable! I thought it was a just for fun competition, but it seems to be a serious one. Anyway, it would be funny to see this sport in the Olympics.

Very interesting, thanks for sharing! !1UP


That's right brother, the thing is serious, there is even a world championship. Thank you for coming here my friend.


!LOL. I would like watch one of this pillow fights. Gonna browse after posting this comment. 😁

I've been also a martials arts advocate since I was a kid and I would say that a lot of things changed since then. Changes that are way far, and sometimes against, what it is originally meant for. 🙂


That's right brother, it must be super fun to witness an event like this, for now the sport is on the rise and is fully paid. In the martial arts you are very right, the same has happened in boxing. Everything is not like before. My regards, brother.


Wow! increíble hermano primera vez que leo sobre éste nuevo deporte, es de locos! jaja ya mismo me doy una vueltita por youtube a ver cómo es el desemvolvimiento de los peleadores ya que es algo parecido pero muy diferente a lo que estoy acostumbrado a ver


Jajaja, si mano, se ve un deporte divertido, y lo mejor de todo, no hay violencia extrema. Saludos.


The world has officially gone mad. Pillow fights are for the bedroom and this is nuts and I suppose you could cheat by having a heavier pillow or changing feathers for sand lol.


Hahaha, you really see crazy things every day. It is forbidden to fill them with any other type of material. But if in boxing we have seen prepared gloves, suddenly here we will see the same things in the future. Hugs brother, thank you for the visit.


Couldn't submit this post as you have already reached your limit for 7 days. Happy to see you and keep posting.


Thanks brother, we are still on track. See you soon.
