Playing with the kids outside


After morning Mass, we all came back home feeling tired because we stayed longer in church than expected. But I was glad we had something to eat before going to church.

My aunt and I woke up very early to prepare the kids for church, we didn't forget to also prepare what we'll eat once we get back. Mass was by 9:00am and we got there early, after Mass, we headed home. I thank God for making everything possible, don't forget I'm still at my home town enjoying with the remaining members of the family. Lol

After lunch, I and the kids decided to see a movie and the title was "Malignant". It's was an interesting movie but the kids were kind of scared because the movie was a little bit scary. Lol

I enjoyed every moment we spent together playing and catching fun at the same time. After movie, we slept for few hours to rest our head for a fresh game. It was really a great thing for us to sleep because when we woke up, we were strong ready to play the next game.

What do you think the next game was? It's a football game. Lol




Yeah football game, I don't know how to play the game so what I did was to sit and watch them play. I took a lot of pictures of them playing ball, they're also learning how to play the ball.


What can I say, it was really fun playing with the kids, their shouting, running round the house and their creativity, I so much love them.

Now the game is over and everyone is inside looking for what to eat for dinner.

Thanks for reading
