What is the proper punishment for Racial Abusers?


Racial abuse which can simply be refers to as the act where by one race is trying to see itself as being superior than another race. It involves the use of language that condemns angrily and it is quiet unfortunate that the world of sport which was meant to promote love and unity is now where many abuser see as the best avenue to carry out such a dirty act. I don't really know much of other sports but i am very much aware of the round leather game which is football as one of the sport where this dirty act is very common.


It is even obvious in some countries that they don't really support the idea of another player which is from another race to play in their league and in their own view, most of the time when they speak out about it, they don't see it as something that is very bad, they just believe they don't want another colour to mix with their own. Country like Russia seems to be the home of racism because many black player has been a subject of racism on their soil. Recently, Zenit a club in Russia secured the services of Malcom from Barcelona and the fans couldn't hide their anger towards the deal and immediately, they made him realized that they don't want him at the club. This is a country that has a long standing tradition about their colour and they are trying to guide against the issue of have another colour in their country.


Well it is quite disappointing that such a well recognised country can still hold on to such a crazy belief. Racial abuse is not really a good idea and despite the fact that various football governing body is showing their anger toward it and are trying to cub such anomaly, it keep on increasing everyday. Many fans had faced the punishment of life banned meaning they don't access to support their favourite club again neither do they have access to come around their playing ground but even with such a punishment, it doesn't stand as a lesson for other fans out their.


Now coming back to the question that what is the proper punishment for this dirty act? Well, i don't think there is any punishment that can supersede that of life banned because the fact that someone became an object of racial abuse doesn't mean such person deserve a death penalty because that would have been the greater punishment any abuser can face. Most of the time, some players aside from been a subject of racial abuse on the pitch also received death threat outside the pitch to show that it is not what we can get rid off in a day. It is as old as man itself because after reading the story of the black boy written by Richard Wright, it is obviously clear that the superiority of white over black has been existing for long and if we are to take a cognizance look at it, sport generally has done much good than bad in eradicating racism.


Personally, what i think should be the proper punishment for racial abuser which i think we really serve as a lesson for other people planning to engage is such act is that aside from the fact that such person is giving a life ban, points should also be deducted from the points of the club he /she is supporting, at least 15 points and this we also allow various clubs to come up against the act, probably making their fans to undergo proper training before allowing them to have access to their pitch. And again, various governments should impose a strict law that will kick against this dirt act.

According to UEFA president Aleksander Ceferin, if there is any case of racial abuse during any match, the game should be stop by the referee in charge. It is a good move but aside from that, clubs should also share from the punishment by loosing some of their points.


With Love,

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I hope you find this post interesting and educating, until then, i remain my humble self @oxygen02. The guy who support life with his writeups. Thanks for reading.



Unfortunately it will never go away due to idiots always being around. Lack of education and people trying to be clever when they aren't. It is not only in football as whites we experience it regularly in South Africa. I think all races are being abused by a small minority and the best way is too ignore it. i think what makes it worse is when people use the race card if things aren't going their way and this is used more often than not. I find those using the race card are most likely to be racist themselves and is part of the problem.


Wow! I really appreciates your lovely contribution but the fact that it can't go away is what i will like us to talk about. It is a very bad act and i think if clubs should begins to share part of the punishment like point deduction, then they too can also find a way to correct their fans.


I don't think point deductions will stop it as the problem is still there. This won't just go away.
