Do You Need To Learn One Technique Or Multiple Techniques?

Based on the attacker's move, you make your move and fight back to defend yourself. In your martial art training, you will learn different things. So do you need to learn only one technique or multiple techniques to defend against a particular attack?

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Well, sometimes you just cannot answer a question with yes or no. If you are a beginner and start learning martial art, your instructor might not teach you multiple self-defense techniques against a particular attack.

You need to learn a single technique against a particular attack as a beginner. If you can learn and apply that properly, that will be effective to defend yourself against a particular attack. If you learn many techniques, mix it up and you are not good at it, that will not help you in a fight.

Self-defense technique is not like magic that you say something and it will happen automatically. The attacker's strength, size, intention, and the situation you are in matter. You will not take something lightly when the attacker attacks you and wants to hurt you seriously.

On the other hand, if someone is just messing around and does not intend to hurt you, you should not take that seriously and attack him pretty bad. For example, if someone just grabs your hand, removing your hand, and pushing the attacker will do the job. If the attacker grabs your hands and is very aggressive to strike you, you make sure that he cannot attack, and that time a gentle push might not work.

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So the situation, attacker's skills, strength, size, intention can make this totally different. A self-defense technique might work in a normal situation, but that might not work against something who is taller and stronger than you are. So you need to learn multiple techniques so that you can apply what works best in that situation.

When you get to the advanced level in your martial art training, you learn more about this. Hope you find this post useful. Please feel free to leave your comments below. Thank you so much for reading this post.

Stay safe. Always be happy!

Image Source: 1, and 2.

About Me

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Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, finance, and digital marketing. You can visit my website I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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About eight years ago I learned martial arts as a way of having an awesome self defence technique,but guess what ??it was one of the best decision of my life because it once helped me to avoid getting raped by a senior in my college back then,I was able to defend myself from his attack and saved myself...


We don't expect anything happens when we have to fight for self-defense. We need to prepare for that. If that happens, martial art skills can save your life. Thank you for sharing your experience!
