Don't Let Your Guard Down Even When You Strike

If you make any move to strike your opponent and you are not confident about that, you cannot strike properly. There will be doubt in your mind. You cannot generate power in your strike that you usually can.

Don't Let Your Guard Down Even When You Strike.png

When you learn any new move, you should practice it over and over. You have to act very fast in a fight. You do not get the time to think. You see and react to it. Gaining confidence in your strike, you can generate more power and make more damage to the attacker.

Sometimes it is assumed that this strike is the ultimate strike and everything will be over after that. The thing is, one strike might not do the job and you have to do follow-up strikes.

At the time of striking your opponent, don't let your hand down. Since you are attacking to hit the attacker, the attacker can counter-attack as well. If you put your hand down when you strike, you might not be able to defend yourself at that time.

Even when you kick, your one hand should be up to the chin and the other hand is supposed to be in front. In case you have a bad habit to put your guard down while striking, you should get rid of that and make a habit of keeping your hands up.

Your instructors can help you find out if you also have other bad habits in fighting. You can practice in front of the mirror to see whether your hands and legs are in the proper place when you make your move.

Take your time and keep practicing. Nothing will happen overnight. You need to spend time on your training. Hope you found this useful. Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section.

Thank you for reading this post. Stay safe. Always be happy!

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Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, business, and finance. I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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Even when you kick, your one hand should be up to the chin and the other hand is supposed to be in front

This is a very crucial advice for any fighter because it's not over yet, he shouldn't let his guard down just yet.


Very true. It's not always about the attack but about a proper defense. Very important to have a proper guard on the chin supposing a strike doesn't go through. Would be bad getting caught off guard

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