How to Defend against a Gang Attack


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Why isn't he fighting? He should strike and hit first.

You can think of a lot of things, but when you face multiple attackers, you know how difficult it is to deal with the situation. There can be endless possible ways of getting an attack. And you cannot predict who is going to move first and strike, then who is fighting after that.

So how many attackers are going to attack you?

2, 4, 8, 15, 25, 32 or 40 ....

It looks like a movie. But sometimes reality goes beyond the movies. So observe the situation and then make your moves. If you think it is better to avoid the fight and find a way to get out of there, do so.

You will not stand there when those guys are coming towards you and keep attacking you. What you do not want is, being in the middle of attackers. If the attackers are around you, you cannot see who is going what.

Let's watch this video. Thank you.

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