How To End A Fight and Defend Yourself

Do you like to keep fighting?

I think no one likes keeping fight. When someone says something bad, you start attacking and hurt him pretty bad. He is on the ground and it's done. So that's the end of a fight. Well, is it an end of a fight or start a fight?

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There are a lot of things in a fight in real life that you have to consider. There are three periods in a fight. Before starting a fight, during the fight and after ending the fight.

If you want to end a fight, try to do something before the fight so that it does not end up in a fight. Someone is misbehaving, you can talk to him or if it is outside and there are other people, they can see that and do something to make him stop.

You can use your surroundings in your favor. Even the guy starts fighting, someone among those people can call the police and it will end a fight.

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So the best thing you can do is to stop the fight before it gets started. If the guy starts attacking you aggressively, you have to counter-attack and when you get a chance, get out of there.

In a street fight, maybe you are fighting with one guy, you do not know whether there are some other attackers over there or not. Or, some of his friends come and the situation might get worse.

What you do in a fight for self defense, it depends on the situation and what you want to do. If the guy is not serious and just messing around, you do not like to hit him hard and make some serious damage. Just letting him know that he picks up the wrong guy is enough in that situation.

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Understanding the intention of the attackers in a fight is very important to end a fight. If the attacker wants your money, watch or any valuable thing, when he gets that, you might not attack you anymore. When he still attacks you after getting what he wants, you have no alternative except counter-attack and make some damage to get out of the situation.

You can call the police and let them handle the situation if you have the opportunity at that moment. Be aware of your surroundings and it helps to end a fight and defend yourself.

So what do you think about ending a fight and defending yourself? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you so much for reading this post.

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