Police Officer Facing Multiple Opponents (Self Defense Situation # 125)


When there is a fight one on one, your full concentration is on the person you are fighting. But when you are dealing with multiple attackers, you cannot just focus on one person. Yes, it becomes challenging to deal with a situation like this.

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Welcome back to Self Defense Situation # 125. Every situation is different and you cannot fit one thing in every situation. What works in one situation, that might not work in another situation. When you fight for self defense, your move should be based on the situation.

Today I watched a video on Twitter where a police officer was trying to grab someone when he was being attacked by protesters. We are not going to judge who is guilty or who are good guys and who are bad guys. We will see this from self defense perspective.

Here I'm going to share my opinions. You can make a different opinion, and I respect that. So first of all, watch the video. Here's the link.


If you watch the video, we can continue. To understand what I am going to tell you now, you need to watch the video first.

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In the video, we see someone grabs the police, and the police officer also grabs a person wearing a hoodie. While the police officer is grabbing the person, protesters are attacking him.

One thing the police officer did very well, that is, moving while dealing with this. If he stays in the same place and tries to do that, he will face more attacks.

In this situation, there might be two intentions behind grabbing the person with a hoodie. One, move him out of there and arrest him. Two, use him as a shield to defend yourself.

It is easy to say but when you are in a situation like this, it is difficult to do. To control someone, you can grab his neck and make his off-balance. Then you can easily control him as well as move him away.

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If you want to use someone as a shield to protect yourself, still you need to have some control over that person. You can grab the person, pull him, or throw him. You can find a way to escape. And in order to do that, you can make your move to strike.

What you do and how you make your move, that depends on the situation and your intention. I started making this series of posts to share with you self defense tips that can be applicable in real life.

I hope you will find it useful. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you so much for reading this post.

Stay safe. Always be happy!

About Me

Hi, I am Rezoanul Vibes. I'm a content creator and passionate learner. I write about lifestyle, martial arts, self defense, and digital marketing. I started making videos without me on the video. Well, you cannot see me, but you can hear my voice. I'm glad to meet amazing people all over the world.

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