Women Self Defense - Grabbing Hair (Self Defense Situation # 119)


No hair. No one can grab the hair. So no hair, no problem. Okay, I'm just kidding.

When you practice martial arts, have some fun and take it easy. If you enjoy doing something, you will do it anyway even it's difficult.

Self defense against hair grab.jpg

You are about to punch and kick as a defense, but suddenly the attacker grabs your hair. Now you find it difficult to strike or move.

Welcome back to Self Defense Situation # 119. Every situation is different and you cannot fit one thing in every situation. What works in one situation, that might not work in another situation. When you fight for self defense, your move should be based on the situation.

There are some mistakes people often make when defending against hair grab. Someone grabs your hair and you try to hit by doing palm strike, punch or kick to the groin. Do you think the attacker will not do anything to defuse that?

Since the attacker grabs your hair, he or she can move your head. In this way, he or she can control your body movement. As a result, there is a high chance that you will not be able to hit him effectively.

Let's watch this video. I'm going to mention the time. This is not my video and all video credit goes to ELLE

Source and Video Credit

From 2:52 to 3:52 Minutes

To get more control of this situation, you can simply place your hand on the top of the attacker's hand and grab his hand. Now he will find it hard to control you.

You are ready to attack him. You can hit with the other hand or hit to the groin.

You can use another technique to defend against hair grab. You can grab the attacker's hand with both hands while putting your thumbs on his palm. Now get down taking his hand, you will see he is not grabbing your hair anymore.

Thank you so much for reading this. please feel free to leave your comments below. Stay safe. Always be happy!
