RE: Alex‘s maiden voyage (#2📍Edinburgh)


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Hmmm. I apparently did not cover this clearly enough, as ...

"... I'm terribly sorry about the tag mishap!"

... I certainly had / have no thought you have anything for which to apologize. Nor did I mean to even imply that, although I clearly did somehow. Please accept my apologies for whatever in my wording gave you that impression.

To the contrary, I think you are a sincere, genuine person that I have enjoyed "meeting."

Trying again, "talking straight" ...

There was no response to my post whatsoever, even though I began helping with HSBI rewards on Day 1, in addition to helping support shanibeer and others by upvoting comments on her post, etc.

In response to your post's reference to my latest "tip" in my last post, I did note shanibeer elected to comment on it a bit. She appreciates (as well she should) your joining SSC and appears to be doing what she can to help you feel welcome ...

Beyond that, probably the less said the better. I hope that helps set your mind at ease ...

"Oh, I do hope you're okay??"

Yes, I am fine physically. My last post will clear up any questions. From there, I can answer any follow-up question(s) you might wish to ask here.

Take care!


Ah, you're lovely @roleerob! 💫 So glad to learn I didn't cause offence. (Phew!) I'll keep a lookout for your last post, although I truly am sorry to see you go.

Do take care of yourself - and, well, until next time!!


Good evening (here) my Scottish friend! Following through on my commitment, here is a link to my final post:

I don't think it leaves much unclear. I wish it was more uplifting, but ... I just "talk straight" and let the chips fall where they will. To do otherwise just doesn't hold together very long ...

If you'd like and have some questions afterwards, I'll be happy to answer them here.

I hope this finds you and yours doing well there. Spring (our favorite season) is almost upon us! 👋


Up late again this evening, I found that I had failed to create the above properly, i.e. I had forgotten to tag you in it!? 🙄😞

I'll fix that now ...

👆 @actaylor 👆


I'm so glad you followed up on this @roleerob - your previous comment completely slipped my notice! I've just finished reading up on your last post, all the comments, and links... What an insightful journey that was...

You are so very principled - (only a good thing!) - it's evident that you've navigated your investments with care and thoughtfulness... despite facing disappointments and witnessing injustices. It's alarming to learn that the blockchain is caving on the values it was built upon in the first place. (Decentralisation being one! Kindness, openness, and clarity being others.)

The responses you've encountered, especially in the linked thread, reveal a troubling lack of understanding and a tendency towards personal defensiveness rather than clear, logical discourse... it's concerning to see such dynamics... particularly in someone who claims they've been entrusted with a decision-making role...

Let's hope your post makes ripples - the more community members are aware of these issues, the more wiling they'll be to address them as they come up... establishing discourse about how to establish more effective accountability mechanisms sounds like a good target to me! Oh, I do wish you'd linger around on Hive and help to push change forwards... indeed, I was excited by this comment of yours especially...

Even though long overdue and hope fades, there is still the off chance something is actually done to fix the issue covered in this post. If word reaches me this has happened and I can confirm it, I might be tempted to reconsider.

Although it must be wearying, after so many years, to see abuse being repeated in perpetuity by busybodies with too much power and not enough sense... perhaps change is on the way? Hm, I genuinely do hope so. The accounts you mentioned appear to be harmful entities, receiving compensation for promoting negative behaviour driven by personal animosity rather than constructive engagement... this kind of practice doesn't belong in the Hive community.

Having only been here for a wee while, I do like the space and see the potential for it. But I suppose ego comes about it many forms... inside the Hive blockchain, as well as out... It's disheartening, to say the least. It only instils lack of trust.


For your sake, @actaylor ...

"Having only been here for a wee while, I do like the space and see the potential for it."

... I hope your own "journey" through this blockchain's many different communities is rewarding and a net positive experience. My post brings "out into the light" issues many would rather not address. And I have turned away from them long enough.

So ... For me, it is time to call it ...

I will always have fond memories of my own. And will never forget the fascination of engaging directly with others all over the world.

If you ever become aware the needed reforms are actually implemented, please feel free to let me know. I hope for the sake of you and the many good people who choose to remain active, that it is not too far off.

Take care!

