Team Sports: Benefit of Playing for Children


It is well known that there are many physical advantages to playing team sports. First, lets look at the numerous positive aspects of allowing a young person to play team sports:

Self-Esteem: Team sports will help a young person develop confidence which will benefit their entire life. In turn, those advantages help a young person develop self-esteem, build confidence in learning new sports and feel proud in competing. Often, this is one of the first activities a young person will engage in as they get older.


Time Management: Playing team sports will help develop a good time management skills. In turn, it teaches kids how to manage their time effectively so they can accomplish daily goals. Time management skills also help an athlete learn to set appropriate goals, prioritize tasks and be persistent when they do not see immediate results. Many sports programs will teach kids how to schedule their days, set realistic goals and have realistic expectations about the time they may be required to put in. All of this will aid in proper time management.

Cardiovascular Skills: Playing organized sports will benefit cardiovascular fitness and it can even increase overall health. This is especially beneficial for younger children who are already developing properly. There are many sports that require sprinting, throwing and jumping which requires high endurance and quick movements. Competitive sports like football and basketball will often require the use of speed and agility to succeed. Many younger children who engage in organized sports tend to have higher stamina and it may also help them sustain injuries less likely in other physical activity.

Physical Activity: Young people playing sports can enjoy the physical activity that is required of them. High school athletes often participate in strength and agility drills that allow them to build muscle strength while developing their muscles to make them quicker. Other athletes might participate in different sports that require more movement like soccer. Most coaches require players to participate in some type of physical activity regularly.

Teamwork and Mentor Factor: Young athletes who play organized sports frequently find that they develop close relationships with their teammates. Coaches often encourage this because it allows the players to work together and helps them bond over the competition. This is beneficial for sports teams and the coaches that run them.

Young athletes learn to be a team first before they learn to compete. When they learn that they have to win for their team, they are motivated to try harder to do so. They also develop teamwork skills because they work together to reach the common goal.

As sports activity continues to grow in popularity and get more expensive, many families are finding ways to save money and get the types of sports that their children love. Some choose to watch their kid's games from home on a small television set. Others are even renting small sports bar inside their home or garage. But most families are choosing to spend more money on the more important things - the sports that their kids will truly enjoy and benefit from. Every aspect of youth sports can improve the quality of life and make each child a better person when the day comes when they graduate from high school and go off to college.

The benefits of playing sports extend beyond winning and losing. Kids who participate in sports develop healthy competitive skills that they can carry with them throughout life. Many of these children grow up to be good, responsible citizens. Some become doctors, teachers, or take other prominent positions in society. Playing sports offers children the chance to learn and work together as a team.


Sports help in so many areas of our lives, not only health as you have stated here, but teamwork, safety and confidence. Best regards
