Yoga: Workouts for the mind & body!


Yoga is a conglomeration of mental, psychological, and spiritual disciplines or practices that originate in ancient India, geared at disciplining and stilling the psyche, and uniting the disciplined 'awareness' of the spirit with the self-existing 'awakening' of the soul. It is practiced by individuals worldwide, regardless of age or religion. It is an ideal way to achieve inner peace, to master body and mind, to cultivate ethical standards, to acquire wisdom, to discipline behavior, to improve concentration, to acquire heightened awareness and creativity, to develop the power of concentration and calmness, to increase energy, to balance oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the brain, to ease chronic pain, to enhance vision, to build and maintain stamina, to heal and protect the body, to build and support a healthy sexuality, to control and benefit one's mind and body, to cope with stress, to build and develop time, to balance weight, to increase mental and physical health and life expectancy, to understand the universe and oneself, to live a rich, fulfilled life and age gracefully, to find eternal happiness and fulfillment, to have a sense of well-being, to be able to spontaneously create a loving, fulfilling and joyful existence. Asanas are the fundamental exercises and postures of Yoga. There are asana for each discipline, to correspond to the varying needs of the practitioner.


There are many different yoga styles: Hatha yoga, Raja yoga, Kundalini yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Vinyasa yoga, Bikram yoga, Power yoga, Hot yoga, Hatha yoga is the commonest and the most refined form, based on Tantra philosophy, and its chief aim is to cultivate spiritual and physical beauty through perfect breathing techniques. Raja yoga is a very popular style of yoga which incorporates meditation, controlled breathing techniques, relaxation, meditation and movement. Vinyasa yoga incorporates dynamic stretching movements, dynamic walking and much more, while Ashtanga is ideal for beginners and experts alike. Breathing techniques are the key to achieving the various postures and are usually achieved through the use of Aasana (body positions), Pranayama (breathing), and Niyama (breath control).

In a well structured, progressive sequence, yoga helps us to strengthen and lengthen our bodies. The postures are not intended to be static; rather, they are meant to progress gradually and naturally, following the instructions of the teacher. Asana practice consists of nine primary stages, which are known as the pratum, paryaya, purva, kuruna, kadamba, janmashtami, mukhis or shakti, karma and kundalini. The primary asana that is often taught in conjunction with other yoga forms is the asana that goes by the name of 'downward facing dog' or 'cessation' owing to the fact that it curls the spine and forces the neck and head back.

Most people who are unfamiliar with yoga are very surprised to learn that one of its main purposes is relaxation. The word 'yoga' actually means 'to relax.' Many forms of yoga, especially popular ones like Hatha yoga, emphasize relaxation and reducing stress. This is why it is so popular with fitness practitioners. Power yoga, on the other hand, is another form of yoga, which has recently gained in popularity because of its resemblance to a power lift.

Power yoga is ideal for athletes and strong, fit people who want an intense aerobic workout. The most common asana used in power yoga and in workouts geared toward increasing strength and stamina include the sun salutation (symmetrical), half-moon (concentration), and the half moon (arms crossed) asanas. Many power yoga exercises even incorporate Ashtanga yoga movements, which combine stretching with the movement of specific Asanas. Ashtanga yoga is similar to the popular Hatha yoga in that both involve the usage of various Asanas. Ashtanga yoga exercises are also commonly known as "hot yoga," owing to the large amount of sweat shed during the workout. (There's no such thing as too much sweating.)

Bhakti yoga, sometimes referred to as "practice of virtue through action" is one of the most ancient forms of yoga, dating from India's Vedic period. It focuses on a path along which the practitioner purifies his or her spirit by performing specific asanas and meditations. For most practitioners of bhakti yoga, a goal can only be reached when the physical actions and the mental concentration associated with them have been mastered. Bhakti yoga differs slightly from most other forms of yoga in that it is founded on the principal of identifying your highest self through self-realization, pranayama, or the transcendental state of consciousness. Some of the asanas that are part of bhakti yoga include Patanjali's famous asana, "Majja Svanasana," and "Pranayama."

Yoga is also famous among the western public for its use of meditation and physical exercise. It has become popular not only as a result of increasing numbers of people who have chosen to take yoga classes, but also as a result of a surge in interest in Eastern philosophy and meditation that has filtered down through the western world over the past decade or so. There are many styles of yoga, including Hatha yoga, which has roots in both Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as Raja yoga, which is based on the teachings of Patanjali. The most common form of yoga, however, is hatha yoga, which means "the practice of yoga," and which typically includes the most popular types of asanas and breathing techniques.

A major part of practicing yoga is learning and selecting the right asana, as well as matching the right posture to the needs of each particular pose. When selecting an asana, or posture, it is important to consider how this will affect your breathing and bodily responses. Asanas should be selected that will encourage you to focus inward, allowing your body to achieve stillness. Most yoga teachers will recommend the basic asanas (postures) that most people already know, such as the ideal triangle pose, seated forward bend, half-moon, fish, plank, inverted headstand, half moon, and the forward and backward dog. Learning more about asanas can help you discover the vast potential of yoga, and allow you to increase your flexibility, strength, and balance while experiencing deeper levels of peace and serenity.


There are so many styles of yoga, I didn't know that. Yoga seems to be beneficial, I don't know why it is practiced as much as it should be. Great post


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