MCGI Mass Indoctrination, Day 13, Wednesday, 18 January, 2023

Hello everyone,
Still on the discussion about the several types of heart of people that can accept the truth. Three of them rejects the good news blantly and makes their hearts very hard like rock on which cool waters of the truth can't penetrates.

Those hearts/people's attitude towards the matter of Christ is observable. Their faces are strong and hard whenever the word "repentance" is mentioned. They prefer to discuss the worldly matters. They enjoys the sports issues and ready to "devour" current social affairs of their immediate world and beyond. They look down on Bible and it's teachings. They see Bible as an old book or an ordinary book written by men like them. They are physical beings and deal with physical matters.

However, their behaviours are mere carnal and never spiritual. They judged matters on the way, they see them. They see sex as not a serious matter. Dating is very common. They use it as a means to have sex freely but that's not how God purposed for that. Their relationship with others are not mutual.
