"NEW TRICK" Kickflip Bs Tailslide Shove it out🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]


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Hello friends how are you?
A few days ago I shared a video doing flip bs tailslide and I told them that I would go for the shove it out.

Hola, amigos como estan?
Hace dias les comparti un video haciendo flip bs tailslide y les dije que iria por el shove it out.

So that's what I did today, I warmed up a little and got to work on this new trick to see if I could land it, I made a lot of attempts but none of them seemed to work shove it.

Asi que eso fue lo que hice hoy, calente un poco y me puse a trabajar en este nuevo truco para ver si podia caerlo, hice muchos intentos pero ninguno parecia ir en shove it.

Until in one of those attempts I made I managed to get it perfect, I really enjoyed it a lot and I think the next thing would be to do it Bigspin out.

Hasta que en uno de esos intentos que hice logre caerlo perfecto, de verdad que lo disfrute mucho y creo que lo siguiente seria hacerlo Bigspin out.

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So clean bro! BS tail is suuuper scary for me, so I am very impressed with this trick. Keep up the hard work and keep stackin those clips.
Good Morning Love GIF by joeyahlbum
