Walking every day is essential for the proper functioning of the brain to stay healthy


I just finished a 2.5km running that lasted about 0hh:25mm:0ss !


That's right! Just as it helps to lose excess weight and get in shape, it also helps to feel better mentally. Walking is a good night's sleep. As a result, your beauty remains intact. Since walking does not require any exercise equipment or instructor, it is possible to do the work of walking free of cost without being admitted to the gym. In addition, walking is the easiest of all exercises. This is the only exercise that can be done in the space of daily work, do not have to spend time separately.

You should walk for 10-15 minutes every day to get glowing skin. It acts like a lot of anti-oxidants on the skin. The skin can be temporarily beautified by using various cosmetic products, which work on the outer covering of the skin, not reaching the inside of the skin. But when we walk, our heart and lungs pump oxygen to the blood which reaches the whole body, reaches the skin and removes toxins from the body. This eliminates various skin problems. Although it sounds incredible, regular walking removes stretch marks, acne etc.


Regular walking slows down the aging process of the skin. As a result of walking, the necessary nutrients reach the skin through the blood. As a result, the skin is beautiful and does not wrinkle easily. During walking, sweat comes out which opens the mouth of the closed pores, removes dirt from the base of the pores and cleans the skin. So if you want to keep your skin beautiful, you have to walk regularly.
Those who walk at least six days a week regularly sleep better. This is because walking enhances the effects of a hormone called melatonin in the human body. This melatonin is the sleep hormone. In addition, regular walking eliminates various types of pain in the body, which is another reason for good sleep. During sleep, new cells are born in the skin, collagen, elastin etc. are formed. Good sleep, of course, has a positive effect on the skin, which in turn enhances the beauty of the face.

Studies have shown that regular walking keeps the nervous system healthy. As a result, anger and anxiety are controlled. During walking, the brain releases 'Happy Hormone', which makes the mind feel better. Apart from that, I meet and talk to a lot of neighbors while walking, which is another reason to feel better emotionally. And if the mind is good, that beauty is reflected in the face.
Regular walking burns a lot of calories, which leads to weight loss. Within a month of starting to walk, you will notice that the clothes you are wearing will start to feel loose. Walking enhances the body's response to insulin, which helps reduce belly fat. In this way the body gets back to its beautiful shape. Walking just one kilometer every day can reduce body fat by 2% in a month.

Regular walking lowers blood sugar levels, which in turn reduces the risk of diseases such as diabetes. In addition, regular walking lowers blood pressure which reduces the risk of brain stroke. In addition, the importance of walking to reduce the risk of heart disease is immense. People who do not walk regularly are much more likely to have a heart attack than those who walk regularly. According to the Harvard Publishing Outline, several studies have shown that walking just 7.8 kilometers a week can reduce the risk of heart disease by 31 percent and the Interestingly, the people who took part in this study achieved this result by walking very slowly. Their speed was 3.2 kilometers per hour.

Walking for at least 10 minutes every day or at least 1 hour a week can relieve joint pain and even prevent diseases like arthritis. Walking improves blood circulation, allows blood to reach the area of ​​pain, and strengthens the muscles around the joints.

Walking is thought to be associated with longer life expectancy.

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