The best quotes and phrases from your favorite games



Although we may not have them constantly in mind, in every video game there are certain epic phrases that players will remember throughout their lives. After spending so many hours playing the same game, it is normal that certain phrases have been recorded and that they bring back memories every time we listen to them. They can be gamer phrases without much sense but that catch the attention of the players, phrases from games related to love or directly the motto of a video game, among many other things.

How it can happen with games, choosing only a group of video game phrases will depend on the tastes of each one and the way you have received that phrase. You also have to think that many people prefer funny phrases from games like Mario Bros, to reflexive phrases that we find in other types of video games, so it is not easy to recognize which are the best. Similarly, each game has certain phrases that everyone who has played it remembers.


Assassins Creed phrases

"The most difficult decisions in life are those that force you to question your own moral code" - Shay Cormac

"You will find the answer when you do not need to ask" - Al-Mualim

“Nothing is true, everything is allowed” - Ezio Auditore

"We are one; Just as we share the glory of our victories, we also share the pain of defeat. In this way, by being united, we become stronger ”- Malik

"People take little time to judge, but long to correct themselves" - Ezio Auditore



Phrases God of War

“Hope is what makes us stronger. It is the reason why we are here. It is what we struggle with when everything else is lost. ” - Pandora

"I am what the gods have made of me" - Kratos

"Do not confuse my silence with lack of mourning. Cry your way, I will cry mine. ” - Kratos



Hitman phrases

"¿When does a good man decide to kill?" - hitman

"Names are for friends, so I don't need any" - Agent 47



Metal Gear phrases

"True heroes are never as polished as the legends around them." - Big Boss

"Half of what we know is a lie. The other half is a well-constructed lie. " - Big Boss

"It is easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield." - Solid Snake

"Leaders and heroes do not choose themselves." - Big Boss

"Snake, Snaaaaake!"


With this I hope I could have made you remember these games
