TWS SKATECREW Part #68: Storm On Summer | TWS Crew x Calawis Crew


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Storm On Summer

Hey guys! Welcome to TWS Skatecrew Skateboarding Sesh Part #68. This is the thing that we not really wanted a rain pours while we playing. Last Saturday, May 20, 2023, before we headed to our spot the weather is good when we arrived at our spot still the weather is good. But suddenly at 4:30 PM the sky turned black and the heavy rains started to pour. Since we are on the open field and we are too far a little bit in Bernard's home and we have obstacles. The good thing is there has a little barn nearby so grab our obstacles and take a shed under the little barn. We wait until the rain stops the rain stopped at 5:30 PM so we don't have enough time to skate again because it's almost dark.

Since Bernard loaded our obstacles in the tricycle cab we don't have a choice to skate on flat ground. I tried some flat-ground tricks like the Nollie 360 Shuvit and I still got it. While Lawrence Velasco tried 5 tricks on the flat ground the first trick he pull out is the Kickflip and when he attempted the second trick the Double Kickflip he's back foot accidentally sprained he bailed so hard and the ground but suddenly he can be stood up and we all thanks nothing serious happened to him.

Beat: *FREE Isaiah Rashad type beat 2023 Cinema Bhad S

Thanks for watching my video guys! and don't forget to like and subscribe for more videos!

P.S: I've been playing skateboarding since 2005 and start filming and editing in 2011. On the TWS skate video you'll find a random of tricks and behind skateboarding, we are not pro skaters we just skate for fun and I really love this.


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Best Regards, @toffer

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