My Actifit Report Card: February 23 2024


It was time for a nice long hike down along Lynx Creek with Lulu. My legs and back appreciated a break from prospecting, and the day was perfect for miles out in the forest.

We were joined by good friends on our morning walk so the pace was quicker as we circled the field 3 times before heading back home.

My hiking route was to head down a quiet road that crossed Lynx Creek about a mile further along from our usual prospecting spot and then continue along through the narrow and rocky ravine.

The snow higher up on the Bradshaw Mountains was still gradually melting which meant that there was plenty of nice cold and clear water flowing through the creek. Lulu was content to splash through the water as I tried to keep up while scrambling through the brush and trying not too get too wet crossing the water.

We passed a group of children out on a school nature trip and Lulu was the center of attention receiving plenty of petting, which she loved 😍.
We reached the forest service after a couple of arduous miles where we rested a bit before the long uphill walk to the main road and then the final mile back to our car and a well-deserved snack for us both.

I hope my legs feel rested and not too sore tomorrow so that we can head out to the hills once again before a long day on the road Sunday (a dog rescue again).
Good night 😴.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Hiking, Photowalking, Walking


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