Fashion Police Beware! - Countryside Mode
I guess it's a good thing that we don't have a fashion police around here, in the Portuguese countryside,
because this is what I was wearing half of the day:
Hawaiian style swimming pants, my warmest ( woolen ) sweater and thermo socks, in sandals ( aka 'Birkies' ).
Do you think the fashion police would have fined me
or would they have been fine with what I was wearing?
It's fair to say that the weather was a bit bipolar, today ( North and South ), so I had to be prepared for all kinds of circumstances.
I think I did a good job.
At least my legs don't look like milk bottles ( 'melkflessen', as we used to say In The Netherlands ) and my socks aren't white.
Honestly, I feel I am pulling it off pretty well.
Not sure about this outfit though...
FYI: A couple of months ago, my multi-talented, super creative twin sister (what's in a name twin? ) came up with the idea to make ponchos that double as towels/bath robes, basically using (fabric used for) quick drying towels and connecting those.
She made a handful of them, one for her boyfriend, two for her kids and one for herself and I decided to order a poncho-towel-robe from her too. And then, today, a month or two after starting on this poncho of mine, my twister decided to continue with it/try to finish it. She ended up forgetting the design at home though and therefore drove over to me, to let me fit the thing and to see what color(s) I wanted for the hoodie.
We enjoyed each other's company, as well as tea and some homemade plum cake and rhubarb cake, that I baked yesterday and also went for a bit of a walk.
It was time well spent. , @clareartista Don't miss out on this.
This is your chance to see me pose.
@deirdyweirdy got some more legs for you ;<)
Okay, I can't really call it posing, as these pics were made in mere seconds, by my sister. Honestly, I didn't even know that she took more than one.
I guess I am lightning quick at changing my expression.
Some top models can learn a thing or two from me, it seems.
Is it just my vivid imagination or do I look sensual in the above picture? ;<)
I hope you enjoyed this different (county)side (blog) of mine.
I very much like to not to have too care much about what I wear, unlike what used to be the case in the many decades that I lived in cities. I also think I do care less of what others think of me but I do still like to make fun of things, including myself.
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Obrigado! are looking great in this dress 😄
Thank you! 😆
The fashion police will be enforcing such a genius idea rather than stopping it. :^)
Haha! You're probably right about that :<)
I fricking love your post dearest Vincent - so fun and yet wise at the same time! 🥰🤭🤗🤨☺️🤩 You look brilliant, and if I saw you walking around my town looking like this, I'd most certainly stop to chat about 'fashion'! Great sharing 👋🥳
I like to think those are two of my strongest character traits.
I think I need a glass or two or three ( of vin(h)o ), to build up some courage, before I'd head out into the village wearing something like that, let alone in a town like yours.
I would likely wear it at the river beach though.
Well make sure and pack it for Guardia S. if you're coming during Vinalia!
Note taken :^)
I agree with @clareartista you can wear it anywhere...😊
My countryside outfits (and even city ones) lately are just a fun, random mix of borrowed clothes, so I look more similar to you on these photos than you think😁
(and I am also wearing socks in "birkies" due to the weather 😂 or wellies for the proper countryside-feel)
If you do it too, it has to ge good taste ;^)
So glam.
Glam and 90s/ Fresh Prince of Bel Air style, all at once ;>)
Vincent, I am saying absolutely nothing on the grounds that I might incriminate myself.🙃
You are a wise woman.
You look kind how I imagined Jesus when I was a criança
Haha! I said something similar to my sister, about how I looked in this outfit. I wouldn't stand out in a biblical procession.
I love your style😁
Only a few can pull this off ;<)
The fashion police would put you in jail for this combo 😂
But we Hivers would not do that, and we would also try that plum cake... and the poncho, of course 😉
The Fashion Police clearly has no taste.
Most people on Hive do.
The plum cake was a hit. I made another one and finished it already.
Your outfit looks perfect for a day in the countryside, hehehe. I think you did a great job balancing the unpredictable weather bro. Plus, those poncho-towel-robes your sister made are such a clever idea. I wiiI had one now !BEER
Cheers good friend !BEER !WEED
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I think these ponchos can be very captivating on a fashion catwalk. Applause for your sister! You've got good legs, hahahaha.
Haha! Thank you :^)
You look ridiculously amazing/amazingly ridiculous XD I hope you rocked that thing around town. Your twister could be on to the next big thing :D
Hahaha! Thank you
that's some proper festival apparel for sure! god it looks so comfy ahahaha
It was comfy.
Hope my sister finishes it though and doesn't keep being distracted from the project ;^)
Vincent be dripping
I’m loving your style😁😁
Haha! I learnt a new expression there. Thanks!✨
You look great. Gosh you should see what I throw on sometimes. At the end of the day as long as you are comfortable, who cares. Plus what a clever sister you have.
Fine legs there as well xxxx
I agree :<)
And glad you appreciate a fine pair of legs, when you see them ;>)
At first I was thinking the weather was really quite so much cold right
Looks like your outfit would be great for keeping biting bugs off of you. Today I made the mistake of going out with a brand-new hoodie, then came home and noticed that my shirt and arms are now covered in fuzzy fabric everywhere (next time I'll learn to launder it first before wearing it). :)
Did you look like Fuzzy the bear, afterwards?
We are lucky with the bugs here, these days.
Keep up the good work. 👏
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