Qihuo Sports Event-Tibetan Ferret Competition/奇葩运动项目——藏雪貂比赛


Since I came to Sports Platform, I have learned a lot about sports, because this platform has also found many new and interesting sports.

There are many curious flower sports that really make people laugh. The key is that they are also some traditional sports, and they are held every year. In the final analysis, if you don't take the initiative to find out, then you will never
know the world is different.

In Western Europe, there are many sports, which are very novel. Every sport has its own unique features.

There is such a kind of sport in Britain that it is enough to deceive the fantastic. Even I think it is fantastic that there should be such a sport. The Tibetan Ferret Competition, a long-standing British competition, may have originated from early poaching.

The race of Tibetan ferrets is very simple. The contestants need to hide the live ferrets in their crotches and ask the contestants to be male. Secondly, competitors are not allowed to wear underwear. Whoever hides a ferret for the longest time wins.

Although I have not participated in the competition, but look at this situation, the contestants are absolutely sour. It's very painful... but in Britain there are some people who are willing to challenge tradition and ferret's patience.

It's amazing that the sport still has a world record, that is, the longest time for Tibetan ferrets - 5 hours and 30 minutes.
This record was formed in 1981. It is conceivable that the Tibetan ferret movement was very popular at that time. It felt that everything could be compared in Britain.

It's like the waist circumference of former British Prime Minister Cameron compared with the deputy prime minister...
It's really a wonderful country that has produced wonderful sports, but these sports are very interesting. After all, sport is the spice of life, there is no need to have a hard time.

Every time Tibetan ferret race, competitors are all good, this feeling is too sour, can not bear to look directly.

Love life, love sports.






虽然我并没有参与过该项比赛,但是看这种情况,参赛选手绝对很酸爽。非常的蛋疼... ...可是在英国偏偏就有这么一些愿意挑战传统,挑战雪貂的耐性。


就好比英国前首相卡梅伦和副首相比腰围... ...这真的是奇葩的国家诞生了奇葩的运动,但这些运动却非常的有趣。毕竟体育运动是生活的调味剂嘛,没必要过得很苦。



