Ода московским цветам. An ode to Moscow flowers


Большой город всегда навязывает нам свои правила. Здесь сложно расслабиться, потому что все люди куда-то спешат, вокруг стоит бесконечная суета и гам, и лишь в выходные дни жизнь мегаполиса сбавляет ход.

Каждый раз приезжая в Москву я стараюсь брать с собой свою зеркальную камеру, пускай даже её приходится таскать в большой и не очень удобной сумке на плече. Всё потому, что в этом городе можно всегда отыскать кусочки вдохновения.

Здесь можно поймать интересные кадры чего угодно: вот необычная детская площадка с водными приспособлениями для игр, здесь на углу дома происходит неожиданный и необычный флешмоб, а тут на клумбе притаились цветы, мимо которых ты в иной раз пройдёшь мимо, даже не взглянув на них.

Вот как раз в ту поездку я специально отыскивал разные клумбы и цветники, чтобы сделать снимки. Здесь я собрал цветы из нескольких разных уголков Москвы, и сейчас, глядя на них, я думаю, что наша столица не зря считается одним из самых красивейших городов мира.

A big city always imposes its own rules on us. It is difficult to relax here, because all people are in a hurry somewhere, there is endless hustle and bustle around, and only on weekends the life of the metropolis slows down.

Every time I come to Moscow, I try to take my SLR camera with me, even if I have to carry it in a large and not very comfortable shoulder bag. That's because you can always find pieces of inspiration in this city.

Here you can catch interesting shots of anything: here is an unusual playground with water devices for games, here on the corner of the house there is an unexpected and unusual flash mob, and here there are flowers lurking in a flower bed, which you will sometimes pass by without even looking at them.

It was on that trip that I specifically looked for different flower beds and flower beds to take pictures. Here I collected flowers from several different parts of Moscow, and now, looking at them, I think that our capital is not for nothing considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Фотографии сделаны на камеру CANON EOS 50D, объектив TAMRON 28-75mm

Photos taken with camera CANON EOS 50D, TAMRON 28-75mm lens



Such beautiful photographs! From your post:

A big city always imposes its own rules on us. It is difficult to relax here, because all people are in a hurry somewhere, there is endless hustle and bustle around, and only on weekends the life of the metropolis slows down.

Isn't that the truth! Similar to the mindset of walking, or riding a bicycle instead of driving in a car. You can see so much more, if you just take the time, to look. I would like to thank you for choosing my #thoughtfuldailypost TAG, and also suggest another TAG and Community, by a dear friend @dswigle:




I think your beautiful photographs would be a positive and fitting addition to her community!



Thank you so much for mentioning me )


I think Moscow is exceptionally beautiful, taking just your post alone to show off the incredible architecture, flanked by the beauty of the flowers. You represented both very well!

Thank you for the tour.

As an aside, I love the small touches of the flowers on the balcony, sharing the beauty with all that pass by.


Thank you very much. Moscow is really a very beautiful city!
