If only everyone circle-jerked so badly / @actifit


This evening I checked in on the SportsTalkSocial Discord to find that there had been an anonymous submission, referencing my post yesterday, titled 'rewards abuse'. Firstly, I think this is a good feature of the STS discord and would like more community members to use it when they have concerns about content.

To submit an ANON report, head to: https://anonreport.sportstalk.social/

And the SportsTalkSocial discord is here: https://discord.gg/UVxufvr

In some of my recent posts, I have presented some charts and information which I felt was abuse and in some cases looked like a clear circle jerk.

The below is my chart for @abh12345.sports, the account which holds my SPORTS tokens.

I'm all ears, but in my biased opinion this chart doesn't look like it's owned by an account that is circle jerking. In fact, if you can find me an account this evening that holds SPORTS tokens which has a lower self-vote (including to alts) and has voted for more people in past 14 days, I'll give you 10000 SPORTS.

The same top people rewarding each other excessively.

The 2 accounts ahead of me post at least once a day without fail, and have done so since I joined the tribe a few months ago. And as it happens, their content in my opinion is amongst the best in the community. They also cover a lot of UK football, which happens to be my favourite sport.

Due to their hard work, they have also acquired a good number of SPORTS tokens, and will vote for my 1 (at best) post each day also. Now, if we were voting for just each other and kicking out 3/4 posts each a day, I would certainly label that a circle jerk.

So I guess the question is, would you rather have a SPORTS whales voting chart looking like the one above, or like this:

Or, like this?

This is @block7africa, holder of a 500,000 SPORTS delegation from @michaelcj.

The account itself doesn't post, and all the curation rewards are sent back to @michaelcj.

@michaelcj also delegates out to a couple of other accounts, a million in total:

These accounts sent the rewards back to him, and then they go to the market.

@sportswaka, that rings a bell...

Those names in the vote pile look familiar..

Anyway, that's a slice of Africa for you - a couple of million tokens floating around in that rather tight looking community.

How about China? A different approach but it seems to be working:

Delegate for upvote and a share of the CR basically.

Still unsure about the question I posed earlier?

Have a good one.

Walking,Moving Around Office


no comment only gif, I am sad I don't get daisy chained much at all

people gonna people
a lot who are whales don't ever uv me cause is their stake to do what they will with it but doubt this is the last of the charts gonna show, may start adjusting some after this post a bit ;)

![my circle.png]

my battleaxe acct, my sports curation one I'll do later, seems I spray it out to hundreds, maybe start a movement to call a spade a spade before they come at someone like you who imho is not at all a circle jerker, quite the opposite from what I've seen. my two pesos OP/ED, although they do have the right to question the trending which always kinda looks the same so whatever. Okay, off to go fire up the barbie and do some wings after hiking earlier with "Special Snowflake" the Whippet.


self uv cause I know nobody else will and having invested a LOT of time and 'investments', I see things rather clear from a few different vantage points. I see on here exactly many facets of the viewpoints going on as well as what seems to be a rather slow response to abuse that almost all sides could agree too, I think ABH is a stand up guy from what I've know of him and also think that the trending page looks like shit, hence me uv my damn self.
have a great one sporty peeps and not everything is so dang easy to discern. Some of us use our own stake to flag to thousands then is fine to get some back.....I'm never on trending on here so ain't my problem but think collectively is a certain look. shrugs,


🚨 self-vote comment police are here!

The odd one is totally fine, not much of a farm then is it.

Trending is broke if you are looking for author variety - any ideas on how to fix that?


yep, first off I looked at everyone "BIG" on trendings precious"circles" and will refrain from commenting but it does explain some imho. That's their stake and I don't see many "whales" putting their magic rainbow circles up here so we all can compare our O holes. ;)

It's their stake so am def not gonna focus on it as it seems others already are. The Trending page can be made more palatable maybe by doing subcategories within it . There already are cagtegories, but to have trending chopped up to the top few in some of the bigger topics to NOT make it look like only 5 people do anything. Some of this is tongue in cheek which also will probably fly over those who obsess on Oxford Comma usage or having a sense of humor in any constructive fashion
"If you are the head or the tail of the pack you are going to be picked at, being in the middle to upper middle keeps you from being as easy for the mangy hyenas and Vultures to peck at" , a random saying I heard somewhere once upon a time


I don't see many "whales" putting their magic rainbow circles up here so we all can compare our O holes. ;)

Heres my magic rainbow circle. Nothing to hide here. 14 day range by the way. Any questions let me know ;-DScreenshot 2019-09-27 at 21.05.25.png


O holes unite! lmfao ( pun intended)
No joke, anyone can go to Steemworld and just type in anyone and seeing outgoing votes. Your magic rainbow circle is beautiful, it looks like Skittles


maybe a trend of magic rainbow O hole circle posting will start to show all the beautiful stripes and colors of using our stake the way we want, you have a good circle from my totally subjective viewpoint, namaste


Yep its great. The good old blockchain eh. Immutable history. Everyone can see what everyone is doing at anytime.


I see you now, you need to add more chili pepper and stop scratching your wedgie


The Trending page can be made more palatable maybe by doing subcategories within it . There already are categories, but to have trending chopped up to the top few in some of the bigger topics

This would be nice.


trending is difficult to change unless users actuallty write a decent sport post. Look at half of the articles are pinched from other sports sites with little to no thought going into them. Hopefully new people will join at some point who can write interesting stuff. I think if someone puts some effort in they will be noticed and will make trending. It could take that person some time as everything is hidden amongst actifit and many low quality posts. I struggle to find something I haven't read or is interesting to read. I love sports and try and put a different angle on things by researching or from previous experiences. Maybe loads of users here have never played sports and I don't know what the answer is. If inferior articles go to trending by trying to change the system it wouldn't be good for anyone looking in. I don't want to be in trending every day, but that means others must do better and they will be supported. Look at how many votes are on certain posts and that is how I judge if it is worthy or not. I think a post needs to hit over 100 votes to make the top to be able to justify it's position.


no joke, I'm going on a strictly biz perspective only, that's it.
It's been an issue on Stinc for ages which is more just being able to do it in a way that looks more polished imho
Like...Football is the most popular then do a trending page stick it on the top and mix in other stuff and keep it changing not static, a little chaos never hurt nobody ;)
I feel unless is blatant abuse if you do this or that or make this or that is not grounds to go postal because you UV that person or whatever. It will however and is gonna be pointed out regardless of my rather anarcho-cap views at time, shrugs


Nice chart, and a meme from the greatest film of all time, you should get more upvotes 😊

Trending is broke on every tribe, largest stakeholders generally at the top. Myself aside, as my posts are mostly duff, meta, actifits, the other content there is generally quite good I think. But yeah, same names.

On stem, I don’t produce content and just curate, and if I like something a lot I’ll promote it to trending - maybe I’ll start doing that here too based off your curation post.

I’d like to fire up a Barbie, but that’s a story for another time 😊


gracias, anyone can go on to steemworld and go full 1984 on everyone's outgoing votes....got an issue with a whale or a blobfish or mermaid...then go see it ! It comes across in Technicolor glory for everyone to whine about while the tribe keeps going in the right direction ;)
Taste the Rainbow


I see my self uv is in the range of being acceptable with like lowww percrents vs. 17%, plus and it doesn't matter! I will be dropping a fun thing soon enough because this is the best tribe!


Mines somewhere around 6% but I guess that's too much for some, so i'll just 'protect my stake' by not voting myself, giving half the rewards away, and not spending an hour or so each evening hunting for blatent abuse 🤷


oh plenty of others do 15%-30% plus on their jerk but is THEIR STAKE RIGHT?....but does it matter?
ain't my call , bigger things to gaze on then this but isn't like you can't go to steemworld.or or whatever then see every big bad fishies habits......
glub glub,


gonna vpvote this myself too and be nowhere near what some are doing which is THEIR right
then so is my uv myself when I see 30% of major stuff goes here and there, which is totally FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My own stance on an issue like this is that, it's never stated anywhere on the steem blockchain that people can't form a curation trail or have alt accounts as long as they're not abusing the platform with it.

Also, i want you to know that the system is designed in such a way that people have the right to split their investments either into a single account or their alts. However, it's a user's discretion to decide whether they want to have their sports token in a single account or they want to have it in their alts. If you choose the latter, that's not against the rules of the platform and you can read it here👇


And lastly, people have the right to choose whoever they want to vote. If someone decides to limit their votes to certain people, it's their own business and we cannot enforce it. Chastising people for limiting their votes to certain people or for calling them abusers for selling off the curation rewards on their alts is just like we are trying to control their freedom on the platform.

The bone of contention should be,

Is the said user using the alt to self-vote his own comments?

Is he writing hogwash and then using the alts to promote it?

Is he writing tons of posts at regularly intervals to rape the pool?

If you raised any of the aforementioned points, it would have made much sense instead of labeling someone an abuser for limiting his upvote to certain people and also splitting his investment in several places


and much of this is true as well, I try not to paint an entire group or circle of people the same way based on a few because this isn't middle school.... sometimes stuff has grey areas and is up to the individual to navigate the waters
people will decide for themselves, I stand by ABH and have supported you, do I support everyone you both support , no......and vice versa, that's life
anyways, beer and barbeque time, my magical rainbow circle is art


I absolutely agree with this. Their are really solid points that you mentioned here. A good strategy tho.

  • Makes 10 + posts a day.
  • Since posting so much (like 10+ posts) is against the community standards, posts were split into alt accounts to escape.
  • Since centralized votes (to alt accounts) doesn't look good to the eyes of the community especially for big votes, Sports Power are divided amongst those alt accounts. So it won't get noticed and "feels" like the post gets votes from different users.

So how different is that from a single user who post 10+ per day?


Exactly. This is the new form of abuse, and so when you see a nice pie division like the above, eyebrows are raised.


Still the votes are centalized. I'm not against self-voting though, because at the end of the day it is their stake. What I was concerned with is the new form of milking.


@korver’s comment covers most of what I want to say. Of your questions, 1 and 3 are easily worked around, and so it all relies on question two - content.

I haven’t got the time or energy to look at the circle you are a part of, but others with that nice ‘ten man’ feel I’ve seen posting on the similar topics, even with the same images at times.

By all means support your community, but save a share of stake for the new quality content too.


Yeah! you're free to look at whatever circle I belong, it's what you're also guilty of... Or would you tell me it's random people that are always voting your post to over 50k Sports?

What if I tell you i'm fully aware that most of the big guys dominating the trending page have the same voting pattern too? Or what if I tell you know most of you placed yourself on auto upvotes and it's the reason why you're the highest earners here, but do I really care? No I don't because it's none of my business as long as you're not using it to abuse. Even this post has over 58k Sports.. Like seriously?

Like I said earlier, it's never a crime for people to have a voting crew which you call it "circle jerk" even though you and I know that it's what you're also guilty of

Please let's not try to control the freedom of investors on this platform. If they choose to buy loads of Sports token in their wallets with the intention that they only want to be voting their friends with it, it's their investment, their business as long as they aren't defrauding the system with it.

Investors can devise strategies that will enable them maximize profits. It's not a crime on the steem blockchain in as much as they're not using it to abuse the system

What we should be talking about is who is plagiarizing, writing shit, self-voting their own comments, or gaming the system and not who has load of SP loaded in their alts, or who has failed to extend his upvotes to random authors


No one is a Saint here man and you're also guilty of the "circle jerk" you're accusing people of... Or would you tell me it's random people that are always voting your post to 60k sports and above? No man! It's still your own circle doing that.
You guys are the highest earners here. You make an average of two to three posts per day with a minimum of 50k on a post and I have no problem with that.

You were saying?

Your incoming rewards for posts this week are 350,000 SPORTS, mine are 400,000. I make 1 post a day, or less - you make 2 or more. I can see why you deleted that comment.

Did you even look at my vote chart, which is for SPORTS tokens only? I have a circle jerk of 627 accounts, lol.

Your chart isn't so bad at all, and i agree that it's open to debate how wide someones circle should be and it's more important to look at 'plagiarizing, self-voting their own comments, or gaming the system'.

Only 1 downvote though? Damn. Here you go:

https://www.sportstalksocial.com/sportstalksocial/@hormorhk18/southampton-vs-manchester-united - That matched finished 3 weeks ago.

https://www.sportstalksocial.com/sportstalk/@ceknawi/penampilan-benzema-luar-biasa-musim-ini - plagarised to fk.

Help us out man.


Even this post has over 58k Sports.. Like seriously?

And this one of yours is worth 25k? How long did that take, 5 mins?

I still don't see any more than 1 downvote from your account, over a year ago...

Come on man, try it out on me if you are too worried about upsetting one of your supporters.


No I'm not supporting anyone man! All I'm trying to talk about hypocrisy. No one is a Saint likewise myself and you, especially when talking about having clique voting us


IMHO, there is no harm or abuse in voting good contents on regular basis even if they are from the same people, these are the contents which bring more traffic to Steem Blockchain, and if anyone thinks it as an abuse, they must check the contents whether they deserve the upvote/s or not before filing a complaint.


I can see why a complaint was filed against that post, and people should downvote it -I’m the last person to retaliate and would rather use my downvotes on blatant abuse.


I saw that as well and got called out for upvoting comments of all things. I believe in rewarding people for taking the time to read my post and leave a comment. It is a form of thank you. How else do you grow your support if you don't give something back. I find it petty and not understanding what and how this place works. I have supported certain users on Steem for over 18 months and some of you are here. I will support you on the same grounds as your posts are thoughtful and interesting and I enjoy reading them.


Im the same as you know. I give up to 30% on comments by other users because people are good enough to read my content. I do it on steemit with my 1 cent reward and il do it here whatever sports I have. Doesnt matter if its 1 token or 10000. Engagement is the fundamentsl building block here and there has to be a motivation for the users to read articles.


Engagement is the fundamentsl building block here and there has to be a motivation for the users to read articles.

Right on! You have to reward your visitors - we are very short on consumers Steem-wide.


The tribes are great in that we can reward visitors without votes going to dust. I’ll vote most comments too, based on effort, and to get called out for leaving a 20% vote on one of your visitors is laughable.


What site are you looking for chart? Thanks in advance.

I've also seen around 4-6 accounts circle-jerking each other. I still have to prove and show the cards.

I never had doubts with your voting activity because it's always been you fighting those kinds of abuse.



I’m trying, although not everyone is happy 😬


I for one hate to see any abuse, so it's not a choice between one or the other. I would personally down vote this post because why would you self vote it unless you are greedy. But i do not believe in down voting. What kind of role model are you and the top sports token holders showing when you so called circle jerk and self vote yourself up to the top quickly for whatever reason, good or bad. And then you take pride and glee in the good job you are doing fighting the abusers when technically you are doing the same thing. If you think the current 81,000 sports token votes on that post above is not excessive and sending the wrong message to the little people, then you are a lost cause. By the way I am a one million sports token holder and trying to protect my stake.

I'm not singling you out. The top 5 sports token holders are probably all guilty of the same and more and I can see in the near future your posts getting votes of 100,000 tokens and rapidly escalating from there if it is not stopped.


Hi Ed

Thanks for your comment, hopefully I've given it enough SPORTS to put it at the top of the feed because this is where my longest comment of the day will likely be.

I've seen you around a fair bit, I think you hold a stake in STEM and other Tribes. When I say 'see', it's mostly in the vote pile as you don't seem to produce much content and are one of the few larger stake-holding consumers.

My post yesterday isn't great effort-wise, and I'm aware of the situation -

Originally, I started out with @actifit posts on my main account, and then thought that it wasn't really fair to change the content or collect a bunch of auto-votes for short posts. These days I'm feeling similar with regards to picking up SPORTS tokens as the auto-votes that land on this account now are quite sizable.

I could abstain from voting my own post, but that would take the rewards down less than 10%. I could also create another account and post the @actifit reports there, and then move the report again if that post earns enough SPORTS to trend.

Those are the things I could do, but can i suggest that 'to protect your own stake', you seriously consider using the downvote button? The EIP and fundamental changes to the rewards system on Steem have been brought in to give people more freedom to downvote what they consider low effort, abuse, over-rewarded content. If you are unwilling to use these feature, then I don't think you are protecting your stake that well at all.

Here's what I downvoted today:



Around 11000 SPORTS removed for plagiarism - unfortunately my stake isn't large enough to remove the rest. Would you consider downvoting those two posts?

Every day you don't downvote with your allotted 2.5 free downvotes, you are diluting your stake. Why? Because there are dozens of plagiarized posts and multiple farms of accounts voting low effort posts and comments. Most of this takes place in the shadows though, and I'm OK with being the punchbag for those upset with Trending, or how their SPORTS tokens are likely set for a slump into the .000's over the coming months.

Sadly though, my 6% self vote and over-rewarded post is unlikely to blame and if I wasn't here, I can guarantee you this tribe would be in serious trouble. If you wish to discuss this rather arrogant statement, or anything above privately, you can reach me on discord as abh12345 #9343.



Action speaks louder than words.
Thanks for posting the abusers.
At least we can react appropriately and minimize their incessant abuses.


They provide the best content and share their stake through upvotes to tune of hundreds of Steem to hundreds of users a week. They downvote abusers and save your stake from being eroded by scammers.

Just run it by me again why you are so against the top 5 holders ?


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i think what gets to me is that is most of the users on here were here at the beginning or close to it. We were all crying out for decent posts to be written and I could count the users writing about sports on one hand. The rest were doing news stories like Dlike and were making alright returns but nothing magical. If they had staked what they had earned like some of us they would not be moaning and groaning. This should be a long term project that could pay off in years to come yet they are plundering it now. Not everyone but the short term milkers are and the problem is their payouts are going to decrease as ours increase and it is their own fault.


Great post, appreciate the voting behaviour and your support for the Sports tribe - only thing concerns me - voting for "UK football".... hmmm - the country is not famous for that lol :-)


To submit an ANON report, head to: https://anonreport.sportstalk.social/

Thanks for the link. I just wonder how would someone new to SportsTalkSocial, say 5 years from now, would know about these resources, which are spread all over the blogs and not in a central place?

Here is my vote chart for 14 days. I am not a whale, by the way.

Image 3.png


That's a pretty decent chart :) I hope you find the link useful and agree a central resource would be nice.
